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The Donald John ----- says, "Treating ex-presidents like him to a probable prison term is setting a precedent." It would be a "precedent" NOT to jail a criminal such as him to jail!

If he gets re-elected, he will do exactly what he has said, and he will inspire his mentally-deficient beings to murder. The US and the world will not be safe from his dictatorship.

Diogenes 8 Jan 15
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He will try! But there will be pushback. It may cause a constitutional crisis, because certain parts of the government would refuse his illegal orders. This is not Germany. And more than half the country would revolt!

Shaggy2018 Level 7 Jan 20, 2024

THEN all who have voted for him will or should feel ashamed in retrospect. The world has not found out how to deal with Populism as opposed by Democracy.

My only comfort is thinking that a short time ago two popularists ruled two countries briefly - Trump and Boris Johnstone. Uk has. (almost) put Johnstone back in his place in the columns of the media, and I hope forever.
Trump is harder but is ego has destroyed he chance of collective governance and that is the main danger , supported by vioters who see the sun shing out of all his orifices. Last time I looked not one of his orifices was sunny.

UK and USA both need a change of constitution. and much more governance simplification so that voters can see right through to consequences supported by the rest of the world. Go global and you will find good examples of governace. Sadly the UK is not where to look at present

Mcfluwster Level 7 Jan 15, 2024

This room is rather sobbering at times. You mentioned BoJo; haven't thought much about him. For a passtime I draw cartoons. I can envision one with him and his comb and him busy combing his hair. The comb would just be a frame- with no teeth in it. What do people want from someone not smart enough to be able to comb his hair? Gotta laugh!


Probably not. Donald needs to go to the John.

DenoPenno Level 9 Jan 15, 2024

Any US President elected is going to be a dictator and cause world mass murder. Isn’t it better not to vote at all.And besides you live in Canada, we have our own dictatorship.

I have been put in a situation where I have suffered, LONG, from the corruption in Ontario------ I am totally aware of the corruption here!!! Corrupt lawyers do a 'fine' job of being corrupt judges.

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