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Ive been a tool and die maker for many years. I work in a big factory for a big company. I lived in cities all my life. As l have gotten older l find that society sux. We are so relient on things being done for us and everybody seems to be looking for the next best deal. So now l have trust issues. Which is fine by me cuz it steers alot of crap away from me. I have devised a 6yr plan to finish paying for my last child buy land up north and get away from people. I want to live at living not working to pay to live. Anybody else into primitive/survival skills? I find it quite relaxing and theraputic, builds confidance too.

Rewilder 2 Sep 19
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Yeah, I think the Indians had the right idea. Pack up the teepees and follow the buffalo.


I have been enjoying some good video on cooking in a mostly natural environment..
(Almazan kitchen) very inspiring!

Eldovis Level 7 Sep 19, 2018

I don’t come close to having the primitive survival skills but when o manage to fix a plumbing problem without a plumber and under 5 trips to the hardware store I get a sense of pride. I applaud you taking it as far and to whatever extreme you desire.


I applauding to your decision. I do too try to live as independently as I can, build and repair my own environment, living as much as I can off my garden and few free range chicken.
Freedom and independence to the end of my days.

Eldovis Level 7 Sep 19, 2018

I've often fantasized of doing what you plan. I honestly don't have the health for it. I hope it is as peaceful as I've always felt it would be.

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