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Why do they cite the Bible, but not things like this?!?!

NYTrink 6 Nov 1
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Also the Treaty of Tripoli already indicates, it is not possible to fight religion with religion, but it is possible to fight faith with reason.

Ritchie Level 6 Nov 5, 2018

Indeed the original colonies were primarily people by refugees fleeing religious persecution in other countries. But almost upon arrival the Puritans only continued that practice against native shamans, then against Quakers,and even against each other over religious differences. Furthermore our founding fathers were largely deists, the least devout form of theism.they were brilliant men who knew better than to let religion rule over law because theocracy has in all instances almost automatically violated human rights, and it inevitably always does.

Ritchie Level 6 Nov 5, 2018

This quotation has to be taken in the context of the whole treaty and not in isolation. It has been cited before by secularists, but should not be taken in anything other than the context of the whole treaty and why it was made. I am not going to go into the whole history of this treaty, but there were later treaties made with what is now Libya after this first one was broken. If you read the history you will see more clearly why the treaty was needed and probably why it was worded as it was. Later treaties omitted this passage.

I am curious. Please explain. I know he was doing an outreach to Muslims, but does that mean he didn't mean what he said?

@Heraclitus He was making a treaty from a position of weakness in as much as he wanted safe passage for US merchant ships. He couched the treaty in language which played down the fact that the USA was a Christian country and was making a point that it was not in the constitution to have emnity towards the Muslims of Libya. When the treaty was later broken and a new treaty was made between the two countries, that clause was omitted.

@Marionville OK, but did John Adams ever actually retract this statement? The clause may simply have been removed for political expediency. Adams, and those in his administration, no doubt realized that such a clause would not play well at home and wisely removed it from the second treaty. But that does not mean Adams was not being honest in the first treaty.

@Marionville very interesting, I appreciate the context!

@Heraclitus That I can’t answer, but I suppose if you read the text of the American Constitution the answer will be there. I’m not an American and not familiar with its actual wording. Does it in fact mention the Christian religion?

@Marionville Nope, not at all. In fact, many of our prominent Founding Fathers, including George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson, were Deists, not Christians. Also, the US motto, "In God We Trust", replacing "E Pluribus Unum" was not even adopted until 1956 as a response against atheist Communism. Most of our Founding Fathers were very much in favor of the separation of Church and State because they were painfully aware of the history of the union of Church and State in Europe.

@Heraclitus Well there is your answer then....he was being truthful.


The fact that religion was quoted means it was considered as a promedent factor.

Xanadutoo Level 7 Nov 2, 2018



Religion has only recently been introduced to the US political voice.

I can remember my absolute shock when W started with the "my faith is better than your faith" rhetoric during his first campaign, putting Gore on the defensive. Unfortunately Gore lowered his standards to fight in the swamp with W and the whole thing has continued downhill to this day.



Outlier Level 7 Nov 1, 2018
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