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As much of a Freethinker as we might consider ourselves to be, here is a fascinating biological explanation as to why none of us are truly freethinkers. In considering ourselves freethinkers and others not, we are as tribal as they are in some respects.

MoonTiger 7 Feb 20
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Okay, but the problem is? What. I live in America. I am a white male. We used to run this place. But not any more. In America, land of the free and home of the brave, we have been conquered from within. Our news media, or more apropos, our mass media, which may indeed, be our fourth estate, but actually functions more like an enemy psy-op than as a friendly socio-political mass media organ. What about Germany? Oh, this is all so terribly politically incorrect. Is that allowed?

BitinDawg Level 4 Mar 3, 2019

Is true exception are those who have seen enough violence such as veteran of combat

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 20, 2019

Not "hardwired" but the role of evolution makes all animals have an "anti-crowding" gene. You know; that one that repels you when someone "gets too close"? It's proven to be in all social animals..


BTW; I read this in my senior year in HS (63) and it changed my life...and career.

Robecology Level 9 Feb 20, 2019

You believe in evolution! Oh my God. Do you believe in God?

@powder Links, please.

@powder, @BitinDawg How did you Assume that?

@BitinDawg, @powder Read the report. You obviously did not. He provided all the food they needed. The more crowded it got, the more they "hoarded" or "stashed" food in corners....

@powder I'm not clear about your POV.

I found and copied this part of the study about diet, crowding, and eating, FYI...

...Eating and other biological activities were thereby transformed into social activities in which the principal satisfaction was interaction with other rats. In the case of eating, this transformation of behavior did not keep the animals from securing adequate nutrition.

But the same pathological "togetherness"tended to disrupt the ordered sequences of activity involved in other vital modes of behavior such as the courting of sex partners, the building of nests. and the nursing and care of the young. In the experiments in which the behavioral sink developed, infant mortality ran as high as 96 percent among the most disoriented groups in the population.

Even in the absence of the behavioral sink, in the second series of three experiments, infant mortality reached 80 percent among the corresponding members of the experimental populations.

This was Calhoun's 1 page summary. The report needs to be purchased from the NSF...sorry.


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Posted by EmmanuelRippinIf you're looking for a new game to dive into, ([playpokerogue.

Posted by RobecologyI haven't seen any "freethoughts" on Twitter lately; but today I found one!

Posted by johnnyrobishWell, somebody had to do it!

Posted by WalterGreensTo every one out there!

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Posted by Mike-IMAOpinions base on facts and evidence can change the world.

Posted by ChrisAineWhere is everybody? Don't tell me y'all caught up with Xmas festivities. Anyway Merry Christmas free thinkers. May you get a kiss under the mistletoe..😊

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Posted by AvaBunWhat are your thoughts?

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Posted by SlarsAnother throw back from my orange years.. mad to think they essentially just paid us to play with big toys all day fun job...

Posted by AnabuceriasPhoto is worth 1000 words.

Posted by bobwjrThat's this group

Posted by TourirstMIA: Missing in Administration. I have posted this, twice and of course, it slides under the radar, understandably as Admin has left the building for good?

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