10 6

Just as I suspected! Winning the World Cup twice in a row is not a reason to pay the women equally. Something I didn't realize is that the Male Soccer Team Fans, don't care about winning. They are all about revenue generation. The reason this upset me is that I so admire those women who can go out on the field and run for one and a half to two hours and still be standing, And who WIN the game when they do it. But, I have been told they don't deserve to be paid for their skill and their efforts because the women's games don't generate enough REVENUE to pay everyone else AND them a good wage. I would like to see them boycott the world games for the next few years and see if that makes any difference. So the lesson is: It doesn't matter how you play the game, it only matters how much revenue is generated. FOLLOW THE MONEY - apparently in Sports as well as Politics.

SiouxcitySue 8 July 9
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This is the fundamental lie of capitalism.....stadium construction does not "generate revenue" nor does television broadcast cast equipment generate revenue.....athletes on the field are equal costs of doing business like electricity and salaries of people selling beer & peanuts.....the creeps in charge INVENTED salaries out of thin air.....paying themselves far more than anyone and those creeps don't kick balls or guard will take legislation to raise wages for all athletes and beer sellers.....notice how more women wear 100 dollar NFL jerseys than scarce women soccer jerseys....the "revenue" will increase when sexist capitalists plan for equal wages living wages and sports medicine & equipment/jerseys equally for all sports to keep youth healthy and top conditioning ......INSTEAD girls are being pushed into sexist roles if not kidnapped by rapists like Jeffrey Epstein


...really upside down-and disgusting ***
The SAME in college sports(namely basketball).

BBJong Level 7 July 20, 2019

Pay them based on revenue. The women will quickly outstrip the men.

The argument is that the revenue is in the men's fans. I personally won't watch that bunch of drama-queens ever again. Last year's Men's World Cup taught me that.


What critics get wrong about the U.S. women's soccer pay debate


Heraclitus Level 8 July 9, 2019

If they were currently paid on the basis of revenue they would get paid more than the men. We'll see how the law suit goes.

Heraclitus Level 8 July 9, 2019

Good time for them to strike for sure. I am disappointed in the Men's teams, they are not standing up for the women.


If there isn’t the money in the pot to pay then you can’t. Basic housekeeping!

I don’t know what the gates were at the completion but the media rights has started the ball rolling.

Exposure, means sponsors, which means investment. Not going to happen overnight.

Geoffrey51 Level 8 July 9, 2019

The women's world soccer games were watched by 16 million viewers... That's money...

Apparently not enough to pay them world champs a decent wage.


Male oriented Bullshit

bobwjr Level 10 July 9, 2019

Oh fuggedaboutit, men think with their gonads. That is how women control us. If you wanta trade that around, I'm all 4 it.


Sports is entertainment and all entertainment is based on draw whether it is sports, music, TV, theater, or movies.

Sticks48 Level 9 July 9, 2019
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