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Curious what people think about how religion has shaped gender roles OR how has gender roles shaped religion? A close atheist friend still has a lot of gender specific roles which I wouldn't have expected as I lost a lot of my gender role attitudes when I left religion.
For example, women should raise children and men earn money or women shouldn't sleep with multiple partners but it's ok for men.
My current thought is that men's warrior tendencies led them to shape religion to control women and those religious teachings shaped people's current views of women

GwenBFree 7 Feb 22
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Hi, Gwen! This is perhaps more than you ever wanted to know, but what the hell else do we have to do during this lockdown? This is a fantastic relevant lecture by a dear friend and mentor of mine who died of brain cancer about three years ago. It shows how goddesses were replaced my male gods and women lost much of their power when linear alphabets were introduced into cultures worldwide. The mechanics involved in that are that alphabets are linear sequential and abstract which are the main traits of the male dominant left hemisphere of our brain. So alphabets act like steroids in the left brain of both men and women and radically alter our belhavior as a result. Enjoy this! -Brendan

I’ve been reading this book and am very fascinated by the concepts, definitely some strong probabilities

@GwenBFree at the end of this superb lecture with its incredible slideshow oh, Leonard tells the audience that the lecture is the right brain version of his left brain book. He was very frustrated that he could not include more illustrations in his book. His amazing daughter Tiffany has her own fantastic career now. Two of her films were showing at the Sundance Film Festival the same year, and she has a fantastic series of shows called, the future starts here.


IMO, your final paragraph says it well.

yvilletom Level 8 Feb 23, 2020

I blame the Industrial Revolution more than anything.

brentan Level 8 Feb 23, 2020

You bring up some good points in your post. If it wasn't for religion the gender might be more balanced today and some issues would go away.

freedom41 Level 9 Feb 23, 2020

I agree with your last paragraph. The traditional roles, of men as Hunter-gatherers and woman as Child-rearers, homemakers and cooks, stem from our earliest ancestors, and long prior to any religion. They fell naturally that way due to our biological differences and strengths. What religion did was take this natural synergy which was in perfect balance and turned it into male dominance, with all its attendant misogyny.


Total misogyny

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 22, 2020

Religion teaches that women should be submissive to men.. Of course the bibles are all written by men.. It a sort of wish list.

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