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I think, a lot. Like excessively. And I think the reason for it is that I won't stop unless I am satisfied with the answers I find. Lately I've been answering questions on Quora to keep myself satiated, satisfied, occupied, so I don't overwhelm friends or acquaintances with my nonsense ramblings, since I do believe a lot of this can be done without, that we can live without considering the essential questions, as most do not have a deterministic answer, something that can be repeatable and proven over and over. I have an advanced degree in mathematics and even so, this discipline does approach territory of ambivalence and uncertainty, especially when we consider stochastic processes to describe real world phenomena or numerical approximation. The more we consider real and actual applications, I believe mathematics breaks down, think chaos theory and infinite complexity of fractals. It's all theoretical but it's all disseminated to many facets when taken together is better understood than its separate parts. Holistic thinking makes up a lot of philosophical insight in my part at least, and perhaps the best ideas I've ever come up with have to do with combining lots of disparate information I would have previously never thought to compare. I hope people can relate!

amyramoon 4 Mar 31
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Aimee, I’ve done graduate work in numerical analysis so I understand much of your post.
Your bio opens with “I think that for there to be a God, there needs to be an interconnectiveness throughout the universe.”
The data from our galaxy say there is an interconnectiveness, but it’s in the form of Birkland (electric) currents between the sun and the planets. Happily, these currents are not evidence of one or more gods
You then add “I believe that dark matter is the best chance we've got.”
We’ve been looking for dark matter for more than eighty years and haven’t found any.

I too enjoy thinking and the gravity-only model of the universe, though it provides opportunities for belief, lacks empirical evidence. I hope you will consider downloading and reading the free PDF at

yvilletom Level 8 Apr 1, 2020

A gestalt approach is important...

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