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Sunday, December 20th 2020

KNOW - that which U R -
as a - Spirit being human -

Realize - that - U R - much more than -
a body of - matter - mass - liquid & gas -
dwelling for a - very brief - period of time -
occupying a - minute - portion of space -
being a Person - thru a - human Life form -
Living in a sublunary & - tellurian realm of -
Good & bad - Right & wrong - being - U & I -

Know - & - be Aware of - Awaken unto - that which - U R -
composed & comprised of - AS - {Love thru Energy in Life} -
being One {Soul Self Spirit} - thru a human - being a Person -

a Soul of Love - exemplifying its Essence thru a - form of Life -
a Spirit of Life - being a Person - thru a - human - animal body -
a Being of Energy - manifesting & expressing - AS - Ones Self -
We R - GOD - as Love - thru Energy - being a - Person in Life -

think ye not that those that - U percieve to BE -
Awakened & Enlightened - Knowledgeable & Wise -
R more special than Ones Self - for they R Not - better -
yet perhaps they have allocated more time - effort - focus & intent -
on acquiring - obtaining - gleaning & gathering - such Knowledge -

such is True for any job - - craft - the more - Knowledge -
& experience - that U acquire - while studying - working in -
practicing - Ones Art - the more informed - and thus Wiser -
U as One Self shall BE as an - Enlightened - & Aware Being -

such is the - Beauty & Magnificence - of Life - expressed its very -
simplicity - diversity & complexity - of - Each & Every - Life form -
Each & Every - Unique Individual - expression of - GOD as LIFE -

it is in Ones Own - Observation - Perception & Perspective -
Ones - Attention to & Awareness of - of any given subject -
object - topic - Person - Being or material - Aspect of Life -
that One - gleans abundant - Knowledge & Awareness -
it is from such Personal - intent - desire - observation -

Ones study - discernment - analysys - & - experience with -
thru the contemplation & conception of such - do we make a -
determination - decision - Choice & thus come to a - conclusion -
upon which We Act Speak Do & Be whom - We have so Chosen -

nothing has ANY meaning untill We give it such -
Life has the purpose & function of - expressing - U -
Love is U giving Life its - Meaning - Value & Reason -

Realize that One creates Ones own limitations & boundaries -
by accepting the "truth" of another - Realize your Own Truth -
Analyze & Examine - Elucidate & Explicate - Discern & Ascertain -
that which is True for U - do not accept the - limitations placed upon U -

I AM & U R a Being of Energy - manifesting in as thru a - form of Life -
I AM & U R a Soul of Love - expressing - in as thru a - Person in Life -
I AM & U R a Spirit of Life - experiencing - One Self - thru a human -

We R - Souls of Love - Beings of Energy - Spirits of Life -
inhabiting & embodying - animating - directing & controlling -
a - physical - biologic - temporal & corporeal - human Life form -

expressing the - Will - Intent - Desires & Choices of - Ones -
{Body Mind Spirit } - in as thru a - sublunary - animal - Body -
Ones Eternal Self being a Person thru a tellurian - form of Life -

Realize - that which is thine - Essence of - LOVE -
Know - that which is thy - SPIRIT - of - ENERGY -
Be Aware of Ones Self being a form of - LIFE -

Manifest the Person - that U so - desire & aspire - to BE -
Create & BE - Who U - so desire to express - Ones Self AS -
the purpose of this Life is to Know - Ones Self experientially -
U R the final - Arbiter & Adjudicator - of - YOUR - LIFE - R U not -

Namaste - Eternal Beings of - Energy - being forms of Life -

I AM & U R - Individuations of - LOVE -
as - Spirits of ENERGY - expressing - LIFE -
in as thru a - human Life form - being a Person -
in as thru a - tellurian & sublunary - body of matter -

Think about it - analyze & examine - discern & ascertain -
the - composition of - Nature & Essence - of - Your Soul -
then Choose Who U R going to express - Ones - Self AS -

Know that U R - an - Eternal Being - Divinely being - human -
Realize that U R - as ALL is - an expression of - GOD as LOVE -
Awaken unto - Ones Self - being a Person thru a - form of LIFE -
Acknowledge & Accept that - We R - Individuations of - ALL that IS -

for so it is - that We R - as ALL is -
an - expression of - GOD in & as Life -
being - EVERY - thing - thru ONE Self -

Love Often - in Life -
and U will - Be Happy -


KWAPELL7 6 Dec 20
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What a load of shit...
We can think ourselves to something better, but not by will, force, or magic.
There's nothing you can't try to do, but there's a lot of shit you can NOT achieve.
If we could all become anything we wanted there would be vampires and star ships, one functional Messiah at least while until the present we have had NONE.
If I have a religion it's humanism, and in the future transhumanism, because I trust science, the only discipline that gives us technology and truth.
I will NOT accept magic thinking.

according to your logic - Willow_Wisp -

if a Person tries to jump 4 feet and "Cannot" physically so do -
then is it to be assumed that - "No other human" - can jump a distance of 4 ft -
and if U fail to attain or achieve your "goal" - does that mean that U will - NEVER so Do -
further is it also to be accepted as True - that your 1st try should be your ONLY attempt -

I find such mentally - limiting & restricted - perspectives -
extremely - dysfunctional & debilitating - to human evolution -

U R & I AM - Creature Creators -
for if U did not - Choose to BE - Who U R -
than U allowed someone else to - create such -
thru U with your personal - consent & permission -

so yes - thoughts - desires & Intent - Create -
"reality" - in this - relative realm of - "Right & wrong" -
Here & there - Now & then - being - Good & bad thru U & I -

@KWAPELL7 How dare you put lies in my fucking mouth you manipulative bastard.
But go the fuck ahead jump over the moon once.
We push our abilities always exploring the edge, but there's logical limitations.
You however sound like you think you could fly if you could just forget to fall down.
There's an order to things, that's science, don't confuse effect with cause.

@Willow_Wisp I have placed - No lies - in your mouth nor any other -

One need not learn to fly - as such feat is currently available for any who wish to so do -

tis True - there is an order to things - and U as a Creature Creator determine such for Ones Self -

Namaste - that which is Divine - manifesting - Ones Self -
thru a body of matter - being a Person - thru a - human animal -

@KWAPELL7 I just refuse to accept enlightenment as an actual thing, if anything it's detrimental since it's about destruction of self.
There's reasons we evolved self.
It seems like quite an achievement becoming enlightened, something to be proud of, so the entire foundation of the concept is compromised by the egotistical notion that you've become enlightened.
Enlightenment is a Rubik's Cube to trap the mind to control a functioning society at a primitive level of development in an almost completely different environment than any that exist today.
But the evolution of ego and self goes much further back then the cultural concept of enlightenment, and attempting to spiritually neuter yourself is at best restricting and at worst a constriction on your life that would be better spent studying actual clinical psychology.
They offer courses in collage, earn some credits and discover how your mind actually works.

@Willow_Wisp - Enlightenment is the result of - One obtaining Awareness -
of Ones - {Physical Mental & Spiritual} - Self - as a Person while being human -

as to - studying clinical psychology - the current abysmal level of -
Awareness - Knowledge & Wisdom - of humans intellectual acuity -
regarding such matters - is extremely limited at best - as has been -
clearly depicted throughout history - and was recently demonstrated -
by the presidency of DJT and the republican parties acceptance of him -
as a suitable & qualified individual to preside over this country and its people -
the willfull - ignorance & nescience of the worlds most - stupefying citizens -

Namaste - Eternal Being - Divinely being finite -

@KWAPELL7 Enlightenment is all Self, so just part of your delusion.


Wow, you got hold of a better batch of ‘shrooms than I did......

Canndue Level 8 Dec 22, 2020

I shall be so lucky 🙂
someday soon -

when ignorance & apathy have -
given way to - Intellect & Awareness -


Blah, blah, blah

Being blissed out on nonsense doesn't help others. It hurts them by saying wasting time is OK.

racocn8 Level 9 Dec 21, 2020

time is irrelevant to the Spirit -
as it has been unequivocally - demonstrated -
and accepted - by the scientific community since Einstiens -
publication of General Relativity back in the early 1900's -

as such is - time a construct of man -
to approximate his - position in space -
relative to where he - was - seconds ago -

yet such elaborate conflagration of "time"
is predisposed to the assumption that the Earth -
and ALL of its inhabitants - R standing still in space -

when actually U as a Person standing on the face of the Earth -
R traversing the Solar System at approx. 67K mph - and our star -
is traveling thru the Milky Way Galaxy at 448K mph - which in turn -
is traversing the Cosmos at 1.3 million mph - so in - Fact & Deed -
U & I have traveled 100's of thousands of miles in the "time" -
that it took to write this - as such is "time"a waste of space" -


Hahahaha. Such nonsense

t1nick Level 8 Dec 20, 2020

I think I hear the wind blowing between your illiterate ears

t1nick Level 8 Dec 20, 2020

it is indeed - as a storm doth remove the debris of entrenched & entangled - Thought -
and lay to waste the knowledge as acquired thru attrition from peers repeating theirs -
so yes a storm doth brew amidst the minds of man - soon to be rebuilt & restructured -
to recognize - acknowledge - evolve & become - more than U ever imagined U could BE -

Namaste - that which is GOD as Energy being a form of Life -

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