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Besides extra-terrestial beings, Are there supernatural beings? Unseen forces?

Raybum 3 Mar 27
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Ohferpetessake. Good ability to read the room ya got there.....


We like to think so because it would explain many things that we cannot explain. The truth is that if there are unseen forces as supernatural beings it would appear they are not trying to contact us. I saw the beginning of a ghost hunter show recently where they had lots of electrical equipment. It was set up and a man started asking for someone by name. That was when I changed the channel.

DenoPenno Level 9 Oct 28, 2024

If I believed in Supernatural beings, I would believe in a god. Hypothetical, no proof, and the belief in such sends people in to further delirious thoughts.

How can you explain paranormal activity, As much as I do not wanna believe in those things, they're real tho*

@Raybum that which does not have proof of existence by now, does not have to be debated with evidence.

There are sciences and scientific (therefore natural) phenomena in the world that have not yet been fully comprehended or fully studied, they are not paranormal or supernatural simply not yet understood.
200 years ago electricity was magic and lightening was the wrath of god anyone thinking that today would be considered mentally ill just a someone then would have been for saying it was not.


Ummm, when do you plan to return to Earth?

lol, I'm right here on earth. 😉


There is no such thing as the supernatural
By definition super natural postulates the idea of something outside or above nature, other words that fit that definition are "fictitious", "mythical" and "imaginary".
Extra terrestrials given the likelihood that they exist, would not be supernatural as they would be a product of the nature of the universe.

LenHazell53's the wise sage.... 🙂


Chances are, none proven yet ie still belief not yet knowledge.

puff Level 8 Mar 28, 2024

How then do we explain paranormal activity??

@Raybum It's just a word used to describe something we don't have a full explanation for. Also used to make boring TV documentaries.

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