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Announcement! Musicians have a new group. This is a group where amateur and professional musicians can collaborate on topics like music, lyrics, gear, training, writing, rehearsals, studio and live performance, contacts, contracts, publishing, gigs, travel, (band, orchestra, choir issues), and any other way we can help each other.

To find this group select the meet button then select groups. Page through the groups until you find the group Godless Musicians. We look forward to your participation and contribution.

Please invite any active or retired, musicians, lyricists, vocalists, producers, A&R, industry, stagecraft, and studio personnel you know on this site to the group.

@duke, @dangerdave, @sticks48, @poetdi56, @kenriley, @Or-humanist, @JimmyM, @krish55, @realneal54, @matthew1954, @nvrnuff, @perbemayhaps, @NeverGrowOld, @drphil @ArdentAtheist, @blzjz, @AndyFreakingFord, @DaveRohbock

kensmile4u 8
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Enjoy being online again!

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Does anyone want to start a band with our theme and message I'm a drummer

RonG Level 3 June 16, 2018

Due to the distance between us a band may be a problem. I already have a bunch of songs written and the rest of the creative team put together. I'm looking for a blues drummer. Do you have a way to record your full kit including area mics? If so you could park all of your stems in drop box. I will take it from there and integrate the stems into the overall mix. Let me know...


I just saw this group and thought I love to be a member. I am a musician, and I have a bunch of stuff mostly classical, and Spanish guitar on youtube that I'll post here every now and then. some might like it, some won't but what ever, I had a lot of fun writing and recording them. I built my own digital studio out of a couple of PC's and a good mic, and some really good software. I love to write and record, it's like therapy for me.

What software are you using?

@kensmile4u Cakewalk Sonar 8 Producer. there are others out there that I've tried, but sonar 8 seemed for me to be the one that gives me the best sound, and ease of use.

@TristanNuvo I used cakewalk before I switched to Pro Tools a long time ago. I have not checked on cakewalk in a while. Is it running at 32 or 64 bit?

@kensmile4u Mine is 64 bit.

@kensmile4u Although I've never tried pro tools, I've heard a lot of great stuff about it.
I might just have to give it a go.

@TristanNuvo It's priced well for a top shelf Pro audio DAW. The only thing better IMO is an SSL system but it's almost 10 times the price.

@kensmile4u It was a little hard to find pro tools for a PC, most I found were for mack IOs.
i did find one for PC, for a trial period, so I'm going to give it a try.


Nice!! Hello 🙂

Nickbeee Level 8 Apr 30, 2018

Thanks and welcome to the group. 🙂

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Posted by BassManSpaceManNew bass pix! Original post got deleted because I described it in a more colorful way than was allowed.

Posted by BassManSpaceManNew bass pix! Original post got deleted because I described it in a more colorful way than was allowed.

Posted by BassManSpaceManNew bass pix! Original post got deleted because I described it in a more colorful way than was allowed.

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