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So I was told by my coworker this morning after work that she wasn't sure how to take me becuase I looked so mean and I never say much. I had to explain that I don't intend to look that way its just my face!
Anybody else have RBF and introverted as well?

QuietEnt 5 Sep 7
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All the time.

I'm really a nice person.

Nichole765 Level 7 Sep 26, 2018

I totally have RBF. I am not sad or mean or angry, this is just how my face looks.


Unfortunately, I have the opposite problem. People often think they should share deeply things of great import to them that I, frankly feel uncomfortable hearing.

@QuietEnt Luxury problems!


I get that all of the time.

kappsguy Level 5 Sep 8, 2018

I don't think I've ever been told that but I was told that I was hard to read.

@QuietEnt I can hide what I'm feeling pretty well sometimes.


I used to have this problem, but I'm a very friendly person so I've forced myself to smile more. Eventually most of those forced smiles became muscle memory.


Typically, not only do I not say much, but I follow a "personal space = arm's reach"... I detour around people to stay out of their space, and back away when they get too close to me.

I've been called "standoffish" quite a few times.

I usually reply that I'm just respecting their personal space... and don't explicitly say "can you respect mine?"

camne Level 7 Sep 7, 2018

I have had people say that about me as well. It isn't intentional, just works out that way

zorialoki Level 8 Sep 7, 2018

don't know what RBF is but I agree that you have your face and people shouldn't take you at face value

Resting B**ch Face

@Booklover thanks for explanation. I don't think that applies to you

@TheDoubter why, thank you!

@Booklover just one Coloradan to another. I worked in Durango for 12 years

@TheDoubter Durango is a looooong way away from me. But, beautiful over there.


Get asked all the time what's up.. like they are scared they did something wrong...

Rignor Level 7 Sep 7, 2018

Gotta come clean I guess, your comment got me checking your profile and as far as I can tell, your face looks fine. I would say your coworker question was a bit odd, if anything.

IamNobody Level 8 Sep 7, 2018

@QuietEnt ahhh....I see. Anyway, based on the information I have, I'll take your picture over your coworker comment any given day


People think I'm sad or grumpy when really I'm just filled with hate

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