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We had an early morning visitor today, guess the cow jumped over the moon and landed in our backyard. He was a bit skittish and as soon as I opened the door he made a beeline back to the hole in the farmer's fence through which he/she had escaped.

Surfpirate 9 May 4
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You should have taken your shot straight off.

I only shoot with a camera anymore.


It looks pregnant! Maybe she was looking for a place to have her baby so the baby could actually drink it’s mother’s milk instead of being taken away so the farmer can then keep her milk.


I thought he/she was very respectful, skirted around the edge of our property, stayed in the weeds. I had mentioned to the farmer the other day that he had an escape artist but he seemed a bit befuddled on his tractor so I let him carry on down the road.
My wife had mentioned to his wife that she would love to have one of their cows (as a pet) but the farmer's wife took it as wanting a beef cow and the beef for free and said NO!, thank goodness or I would still be feeding that calf grown into a cow.


Were you wearing your BBQ'ing apron?

MarkWD Level 7 May 4, 2020

Nice big fat deer, huh?

OldGoat43 Level 9 May 4, 2020

I wonder what the hunting season is for cows on your land?

@Surfpirate . Hunters would shoot at my goats year round. So I started shooting back.

@OldGoat43 Reminds me of the story of the two hunters from the city who wanted to hunt a farmer's property, so the smarter of the two went up to the farmer and asked for permission to hunt the farm. The farmer agreed but asked that the hunter put down one of the cows because it was terminally ill.
The smarter hunter came back and told his less intelligent buddy 'It's all good, let's go' then he turned and shot the terminally ill cow. The dumb buddy says 'Yahoo!' and blasts three more cows before his buddy can stop him.
It was an expensive hunting trip but they had lots of beef in their freezers.

@Surfpirate . I couldn't find an emoji for funny +sad.


What a pleasant surprise!

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