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Not a view generally available to visitors but a roof top photo of the garden can help to communicate things about your garden's layout that photos taken within it miss. I got some photos that way a couple days ago. There are so many trees in the back garden that it is hard to get many views of it from the roof.

1 - Looking down the sidewalk from the front corner of the warehouse. All the plantings in the hell strip are new from this winter.
2 - Actually taken from the upstairs deck of the garden just inside the gate along the driveway.
3 - Also from the upper deck, the the rest of the side garden with the Wigandia tree in bloom, top/center.
4 - From the upper deck looking down the side of the back half of our building, down the end of the driveway and into the back garden.
5 - From the roof looking into the back garden just past the gate that connects the back and side gardens.
6 - From the roof looking toward the back garden.
7 - From center back of the roof looking over my garden and the community orchard next door to show the mural painted on the building beyond, which features in some photos taken from within the garden.
8 - One such photo showing a view within the back garden from an angle which captures the clouds in that mural.

MarkWD 7 May 18
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Did you paint the mural?

Nope. I just got lucky on that one. Part of the borrowed viewscape I actually like. 😉


Wonderful garden. Well done.

Fernapple Level 9 May 19, 2020

That's not a garden - it's a magnificent flowering jungle!
Hat off to you. Fantastic.

FrayedBear Level 9 May 19, 2020

What a pleasure to see every day!

AnneWimsey Level 9 May 18, 2020

The first two photos have a very interesting plant. Looks like a type of tree. What is it?

JackPedigo Level 9 May 18, 2020

The spiky narrow purple flowered guys are echiums, a cross called Mister Happy.

@MarkWD I love unusual plants and this one is really unusual. I remember, years ago, a neighborhood garden show in Seattle and there was a similar plant. It had gold colored flowers at its crown. All I remember is that it was a bulb plant and the bulbs were star shaped. I wonder it this would grow in our climate - temperate. Looks like something deer would like.

@JackPedigo, here is a photo of the same plant in the side yard last year. If you look closely you can see a small side branch. That is what is blooming out there now. These often break off but this one is doing well. It occurs to me that a garden blogger Succulents&More came by the one time I opened my garden for a Garden Conservancy open day and took a lot of photos including quite a few of those echiums. I'll post that soon.

I was going to link you to a local nursery that does mail order but I see she isn't selling Mister Happy anymore but she is selling both of the parents. Mister Happy was a cross between Echium pininiana and the smaller pink blooming one E. wildpretii. Note this link is to the discontinued Mister Happy cross but if you do a search in her plant a - z under echium you'll see all the ones she is selling now. []

@MarkWD I am really tempted but I am having enough trouble keeping up with what I have. Also, the latest issue of National Geographic had a shocking report on the disappearance of insects and one cause are people like me planting non-natives.


That's just gorgeous - thanks for the private viewing.

Lauren Level 8 May 18, 2020

Great pics of the garden!

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