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The garden seems to be going through a pink phase this month. Rose 'Complicata', Paeony (unknown), Rosa alba 'Celestial' (wonderful scent), Lamium, Phuopsis (great ground cover), Astrantia or Masterwort.

Fernapple 9 June 16
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Wow ... gorgeous shades.



bobwjr Level 10 June 16, 2020

Very pretty!

Heidi68 Level 8 June 16, 2020

Nice, very nice.


The first one looks like the Nootka Rose. It is native here and all over the place (including my property). It's blooming right now.

JackPedigo Level 9 June 16, 2020

You are obviously making your plants happy. Peonies are one of those who do not like my mild climate but I enjoy seeing them when I can. I am very intrigued by that ground cover too. I wonder how long a bloom season it has? Lamium has never done well for me, I'm guessing because of our dry spells and my miserly watering. I tend toward almost white pink roses so Alba would be my choice between the two colorwise even though I also prefer single petaled ones.

I do like Astrantia which I believe comes in many colors. I think someone must have scattered some seed on a section of a popular trail the wife and I like to walk. I often marvel at the variety of colors they come in. I was hoping to find some photos I'd taken of these but .. not this time.

I wonder if this is any relation to Scabiosa which I see in nurseries with a similar flower. So I went looking online and found this set of photos which includes some of each. It doesn't elaborate on the connection, whether it is an alternate/earlier name or if they are simply closely related. []

MarkWD Level 7 June 16, 2020

Thank you, what an interesting reply. The Phuopsis flowers for more than a month with me, and would probably flower again, I think, if I were to cut it down after flowering.


Mine goes thru a "purple" phase very early on. Siberian Iris, pansies, ajuga, grape hyacinths, bearded iris, clematis and then the hostas... The reds and yellows and oranges come a little later on - with the heat - and the white hydrangeas are the perfect counterpoint to all that color... 🙂 Definitely my happy space.

Lavergne Level 8 June 16, 2020

Love the 'wild' look in your plantings. Would love to see more.

Yes mine goes yellow, white, purple/blue and then pink, but ends back at white and yellow again.

My plants would always turn purple over two seasons. It was the soil. are a couple of pics showing how "wild and wooly" everything is around here....when you live out in the country, there is no such thing as a "manicured" yard or garden. 🙂 😉


Lovely delicacy.

FrayedBear Level 9 June 16, 2020
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