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My second bloom on my lotus, my moon flower (dartura) and my passion fruit is ripe

glennlab 10 Aug 3
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Beautiful garden results!

This year my very low maintenance plants have done best.


I can hardy believe how vibrant your lotus flowers are. Spectacular color. The Datura looks like it is taking off too, but didn't you say it was smaller this year than previous years?

RussRAB Level 8 Aug 3, 2020

In the past I've had as many as 150 blooms on one night. I've lost several the last few years, so I'll probably plant some more in a better location. They do best in full sun and I am getting less and less of that.


Wow Glenn, that lotus flower is such a beautiful deep color! Just gorgeous! I may have to get some more cuttings from your Passion flower plant once I get settled in California!!😉

@dede18 I will be living in Ukiah, way up in Northern California. Great little town, not a lot of people, which is what I’m looking for.

@dede18 Thank you! I am ready for a new beginning, as my life changed drastically when I lost my darling man in June 2018. Thinking about investing in a Cannabis company and also working part time in the industry. I’m pretty good at growing things so figured why not try Cannabis, which is good medicine!😉


Very good for health, in case you didn't know ☺

Passion fruit is highly rich in Vitamin C, beta-cryptoxanthin and alpha-carotene that boosts your immunity. It also has iron which increases haemoglobin in our red blood cells. The rich content of riboflavin (Vitamin B6) and niacin (Vitamin B3) in passion fruit helps in regulating the thyroid activity in our body.

@Allamanda eat them up ☺

I wasn't aware of the benefits, this is only the second yeat i have gotten fruit


Those lotus blooms are just exquisite.

Lauren Level 8 Aug 3, 2020

I counted 5 buds just barely pricking the surface. It should keep blooming until Oct.

@glennlab That's so prolific! How wonderful.

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