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My 2 dartura with tonights blooms. the black mass in the center of the flower is a cluster of honeybees

glennlab 10 Aug 3
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We've got one in a large pot so I can bring it in winter time , fun to watch .

Besalbub Level 8 Aug 4, 2020

Mine get much too large to have in a pot. A ten foot spread is normal for a couple of years. Then they start getting to this smaller size. They don't transplant well, so whereever they start, your only choices are let them grow or pull them up, I have gone out at twilight and watched them many times.

@glennlab It's a big pot 25 gal or so we've had it for at least 10 yrs . I just slide it among 10 others into the crawl space December and bring them out in March . I've seen the holes in the side of the closed flower before I thought it was worms , a nice neat hole , makes sense a worm would have eaten the whole thing . There are a lot of bumble bees where it sits who love eating my fence .

@Besalbub Sometimes the bees will be too stoned to fly after they escape, so watch where you're at when you see them. The pollen and necture don't have high levels of atropine, but the flowers contain some amounts. I had no idea what they were until I saw a bee cutting one.


Nice mess to have, those bees.

MarkWD Level 7 Aug 3, 2020

They start in while the flowers are still rolled they wi;; crawl inside then chew their way out of the side of the flowers

@glennlab Surprising. They must really like what that flower is serving.


Wow, missed the bees the first time around.

there were six on that one flower when I snapped it. all the ones with only a few were out of focus, one of the problems of shooting in twilight, but that is a discussion for another forum.


Wow are those pretty flowers. Do they have a nice scent?

They have an awesome scent!

imagine gardinas on steroids, but only for about an hour before they open, then about an hour after they open. You can sit and watch them go from a cigarette roll to a full flower in a matter of minutes. they are about 25 feet from my back door, and you can tell when they are blooming, that and the buzz of bees.

@glennlab wow, sounds wonderful! Another flower I will have to look into once I settle in California!!😉

@Redheadedgammy I'll have seeds, but they shouldn't be around any grazing animals. The belladonna alkoloids are halucinogenic and in large quantities can be poisonous.

@glennlab my sisters yard is completely surrounded by a picket fence in the front and a wooden 6 ft fence in the back so should be ok to grow them. I’ll for sure contact you for seeds Glenn!!😉

@glennlab I thought they were in the nightshade family, a group I avoid after having Afib! Up here there are morning glories.

@tinkercreek They are, along with tomatoes, eggplant, Jimpson weed. The atropine in them could be a real problem for you.

@tinkercreek The interesting thing is that different members of the family store their alkoloids in different parts of the plant some in the skin of the fruit like eggplant, some primarly in the leaves like potatoes and tomatoes and some the entire plant with higher concentrations in the seeds like Jimpsom weed and the rest of the datura family.



freeofgod Level 8 Aug 3, 2020

With all the blooms and pods, I should be able to reseed into a better area for next year. Most of mine have lasted 5 - 10 years before a poor showing like this, then just not coming back.

What a perfect name for this flower!!😘


couple of flash pics after the bees left

glennlab Level 10 Aug 3, 2020

Have you ever seen the hummingbird moths on them in the evening?

@freeofgod only once, I saw a bat on one once and the moth green moth from the tomato hook worm. That one was almost a given since I move the tomato hook worms from the tomatoes to the dartura, they do well on it and my tomatoes do well without them.

@freeofgod When my night blooming cereus blooms I’ve had those hummingbird moths all over them! It’s a wonderful site!!!

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