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Pennsylvania's lieutenant governor tweeted, "Last year, nearly 22,000 people in PA were arrested for having < 30 grams of cannabis. Imagine how we could better devote that time and those resources, instead of prosecuting Pennsylvanians for something most of us don't even think should be illegal."

New Jersey's Senate president tweeted, "Allowing the voters of New Jersey to have a direct say on the legalization of marijuana this fall will offer them the chance to bring social justice and equality directly into their communities. It is time to allow the residents of New Jersey to weigh in on this issue."

The Michigan House of Representatives approved a bill allowing veterinarians to consult with pet owners about CBD and medical cannabis treatments.

Illinois regulators stopped responding to requests for marijuana dispensary license application scorecards as greater scrutiny is being placed on the process.

A Tennessee senator authored an op-ed on the need to legalize medical cannabis.

Vermont officials are investigating the theft of a hemp farmer's entire crop.

Oregon regulators published guidance for marijuana businesses affected by natural disasters.

Virginia regulators promoted a Virtual Hemp Field Day hosted by Virginia Tech.

Washington State regulators are holding marijuana social equity events this month and next month.

The Nebraska Supreme Court removed a medical marijuana measure from November’s ballot.

Alaska Rep. Don Young (R-AK) became the third Republican lawmaker to confirm he will vote for a bill to federally legalize marijuana on the House floor this month.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) authored an op-ed that slams House Democrats for "granting banking perks to the cannabis industry" in their coronavirus relief bill.

The Yellow Springs, Ohio Village Council approved a marijuana decriminalization proposal.

San Francisco, California regulators issued a request for proposals for technical assistance for marijuana social equity applicants and businesses.

Denver, Colorado officials will participate in a virtual Black Cannabis Equity Initiative social equity summit on Friday.

OldGoat43 9 Sep 12
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