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Favorite plants for container gardens?

I live in an apartment and I have a medium-sized patio that only gets sun about the first half of the day, so my options are a bit limited for gardening. But I can't not garden - I swear it's in my genes. I grow herbs, flowers, and an occasional tomato plant. Every year I add a new plant or two to see how they do.

What are your favorite plants for container gardening?

I've had really good luck with different types of lavender and sage, along with various other plants from the mint family, petunias & pansies, and smaller tomato varieties. I even grew a patch of clovers for one of my cats a while back. 🙂 This year I've added orange mint, pineapple sage and cornflowers. I'm anticipating some delicious mojitos and herbal teas later this year.

sc62 5 July 8
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A small gardening tip for you; it doesn't matter how many orange and white cats you plant they are not going to grow, the fact is they won't even take root, LOL.


Way to make the best of a situation! Your plants look great!


Your tomatoes did well.

FrayedBear Level 9 July 9, 2018

That's a strange looking plant in the first photo. It's quite furry.


One of my cats , has been napping in my asparagus planter .

Cast1es Level 9 July 9, 2018

In my garden, which gets at best 5 hours of sun in one small section, lemon balm is a happy herb, as are Thai basil and English thyme. Butternut squash volunteered out of the compost I made and used in the front bed - makes a lovely lush low foundation planting, and small squash are forming! Makes me want to try cucumber and beans next. Lettuces and cooking greens also thrive on partial sun.

Justjoni Level 8 July 8, 2018

I had lemon balm at my old place. That stuff was so invasive I never got rid of it. It went from one small piece to taking over an area about forty by forty.


you did a great job growing that cat in a container

btroje Level 9 July 8, 2018

I love coleus, all kinds of coleus. I have coleus in all of my flowerbeds, and also in containers. The various bright colors blend in nicely with the green leaves of flowering plants. Cuttings are easy to root in plain water, and coleus can be kept over the winter as a houseplant.

MikeEC Level 7 July 8, 2018

One of my favorites is simply a bag of topsoil from the nursery. Poke drainage holes in the bottom and a slit in the top and you have a gro-bag!!


Herbs where my favorite I now grow them in my tire raised beds. Now it would be Citrus I have Myers lemon and Keylime. I have two dwarf flying dragon citrus that I plan on using as root stock to make my own dwarf version of other citrus.

Donto101 Level 7 July 8, 2018
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