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Cherokee Trail of Tears bean and Leather Flower

AstralSmoke 8 Aug 4
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That looks like a wild vine the dogs and I pass everyday on the trail we walk. I couldn't figure out what it was. I'm going to see if they are native to us.
They are native to the ohio river valley (which is where I am) so I think that's what I'm seeing. Right now they have very large seed pods hanging that look like a giant bean.

freeofgod Level 8 Aug 4, 2018

Are you referring to the Leather Flower? It's a native here so it's very reasonable to think it might be native there as well.

I thought you were going to say it's a vine the dogs piss on every day. 😟

I've got to get a gdaughter to show me how to operate this camera.

@AstralSmoke LOL...No, it's growing in a little thicket beside the path. But, it has really big heart shaped leaves..
First I thought it was a redbud but I ruled that out on the second look.

@freeofgod Pipevine has heart-shaped leaves.

I also have a moonflower growing in this tree. There are a few leaves that can be seen in the background.

@AstralSmoke , they are heart shaped. Much larger than the redbud leaves. I didn't get to see the blooms. Just the seed pods. It looks like your photo but much larger leaves and pods.

@freeofgod They sound interesting. Let us know when you figure it out.

@freeofgod This is a different angle.

@AstralSmoke , that's it! I'll take some pods that are hanging over the trail and see if I can start them. The best I can tell the vine in the park is growing up a small tree.

@freeofgod That's a moonflower. It blooms white. Mine's blooming now, but it was planted this spring (maybe a late start?).

@AstralSmoke , I've grown moon flowers for many years. I know what they look like. The seed pods on the vine I'n seeing at the park look like really, really large beans. But kind of purple. Because it is in the little thicket it's hard to tell where one plant ends and another begins. There are several things growing together. I meant the really large heart shaped leaves look like the plant I'm seeing. But I think it's on a woody vine growing up something else. I won't get into the poison ivy to find out : )
I'll get on my phone and look it up so I can zoom in on the photo. Maybe I can tell from it.

@freeofgod Sounds complicated! Maybe someone threw some bean seeds out and they grew?

Poison ivy can be tricky to avoid.


Artful combo

Justjoni Level 8 Aug 4, 2018

Don't tell anyone, OK?

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