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I'm relatively new to vegetable, fruit, and herb gardening. What do you guys do to get rid of pests? I've tried spraying soapy water with limited success. Tried bringing in a few ladybugs for aphids but they just flew away. Just bought some diatomaceous earth but have never used that before. Any tips/pointers for this rookie? Thanks!

Alvingo1 7 Aug 30
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Depends on what the pests are. Collect as many bugs as you can, put them in a blender with some water. Frappe for a minute or two and set the juice in a warm place for a couple of days. Dilute the "bug juice" with more water and spray it on the plants. In theory, one or two of the bugs you collected were sick and you just incubated a LOT of germs that will make other bugs sick. I've done it and it works. For larger pests, like woodchucks, rabbits and their ilk, a frying pan works great.

sky-kid Level 4 Sep 1, 2018

Chickens and bat boxes.

Minta79 Level 7 Aug 31, 2018

Thanks for all the advice. You guys rock! Pest control is definitely a pain in the butt but that's part of the fun and challenge 🙂

Alvingo1 Level 7 Aug 30, 2018

I have used diatomaceous earth to convince ants to move somewhere else. Just sprinkle on the ground. Aphids not sure since they tend to live on the underside of leaves...

Donna_I Level 8 Aug 30, 2018

Haven’t had much problems in the herbs. But we lost all the Armenian cucumbers To worms so we resorted to 7dust. We didn’t like it but nothing else worked.

Donto101 Level 7 Aug 30, 2018

I grow mostly squash and zucchini for a vegetable garden, on occasion pumpkins and water melons. I have herb gardens all over the yard and around the house to attract pollinators. I never spray for weeds or bugs, I just weed the garden. During the summer, I have lots of lady bugs and praying mantis in the yard. I have cherry trees too the lady bugs love. I inspect the plants through the summer and get rid of whatever bugs I find. My pests are generally under control. I have had problems with wasps in the past but I cleared out old wood and trees and that seemed to take care of that problem. I also have bats in the yard at night. The only pests I can think of that drive me crazy are the mosquitoes at night. I live in Nebraska.


The diotamaceous earth works well when you have dry days. Sometimes I have had to net fruits or large vegetables. Spacing helps if you have the room. It keeps the bugs from just skipping from plant to plant. Old fashioned daily diligence, just morning and evening hand inspection and removal can't be beat. Need oil, night time candles for moths, (safety first), alternating crops, moving the garden every few years. In short, pest control is a pain in the ass.

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