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I Removed my big lemongrass from its original spot (it was overwhelming my dwarf roses). I started splitting the plant, I kept two big clumps for my garden and I ended up with so many babies. Now I need to find home for them.

Zoohome 8 Oct 13
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Very jealous, lemon grass won't even grow through the winter here in a greenhouse, and it is lovely.

Fernapple Level 9 Oct 14, 2018

It dies back on winter here but it usually returns. I had three plants and I lost one from last winter. My big lemon grass (the one I split) took a big hit too, but it returned and became as big as it was before. Now I have 4 of them in my yard. Hopefully they all survive.
Is it hard to keep them at home during winter?


Ya know, I have the same problem...I can't seem to let something go. Had these Boston ferns that loved the office environment and just grew and grew. I wound up splitting them and giving away the splits. Pretty soon a lot of the cubicles had ferns in them. Meanwhile, mine continued to grow and grow. I ran out of people to give them to and I couldn't take them home because the air in my house was too dry for them. One day, someone complained, incorrectly, that my ferns were drawing fruit flies (in fact the flies were more likely from her daily banana habit) and I had to bring them home, and they finally did die. I miss 'em.

Awe! Too bad. I have the boston fern hanging on my porch outside. Here i so humid, but hot too. Its hard to keep them nice.


Very nice you could try some plants cuttings and seed swap face book group. One of our gardeners members even started a seed swap group here there may be someone close to you that might be interested.

Donto101 Level 7 Oct 13, 2018

I have vietnamese relatives, some american plant lovers and cuban farmers that most likely will be happy to take ?. I am planning on gifting to my cuban chicken farmers.
They gave me ají peppers and the plant, plus some calabazas. Have you heard of them?

@Zoohome no those are both new to me

@Donto101 the ají have different color varieties, ranging from green, yellow, orange, red and some purplish. Not spice.


Perfect for lots of yummy Vietnamese and Thai dishes...

Alvingo1 Level 7 Oct 13, 2018


SkagwayKim Level 7 Oct 13, 2018

Lemon tea for a long time to come .

Cast1es Level 9 Oct 13, 2018

I drink it everyday ??

@Zoohome Any positive medicinal purposes ?

@Cast1es it is very good for your digestive system, plus it can help with headache and muscle ache as well.
I was reading that is you do a tonic with it, it help with oily skin and acne issue. That is not my problem anymore, so I havent tried.
Also, you probanly know, the grass helps keeping mosquitoes away. ?

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