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This is what happens when I wander around my property. New climbing roses & my peach trees - one still has flowers, the other almost totally devoid of flowers. They are about 15' apart.
Part 1

Heidi68 8 Mar 29
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Wonderful photos! ?

MojoDave Level 9 Mar 29, 2019

Thank you


Your second one appears to be about 4 days ahead of the first. The fruit may follow the same pattern.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 29, 2019

It is weird (I know they could be different ages from the grower) but planted at the same time, about 15' apart, same light.... ahhh who cares as long as I eventually get some peaches, right? ?

@Heidi68 Some plants, even clones will mature at different speeds than others. It can be anything from a few more minutes of sun to the dirt is just a little better over here. just like the fruit ripening at different rates on the same tree,

@glennlab I just hope I get to enjoy some peaches soon. I know these are young trees but one of them had a couple last year but I think the forest friends may have enjoyed them. ?

@Heidi68 In over 20 years, I have gotten 5 nectarines of my tree, the squirrels and blue jays wipe them out every year. Tree leaves this summer, I'm replacing it with a fig.

@glennlab well I was gonna put a smiley face on your comment bit it wouldn't let me. Not that I am laughing at you, just your description. Figs are not nearly as good as nectarines but if ya never get to eat the nectarines it doesn't matter ?

@Heidi68 I have had good luck with pomegranates because no animal likes the very bitter skins, but the extended drought followed by a very hard winter wiped them out a few years ago, the new ones are about a year way from producing again.

@glennlab this is my 1st attempt at fruit trees

@Heidi68 they are wrought with setbacks, but well worth it the years you get a return on investment. fertilize during the growing season and remove at least 2/3 of the fruit during the early stages. any deformed fruit, remove as soon as you see it, then remove it in stages to allow the best fruit to get the most nutrients. Your first pass after the fruit has set will be the hardest,emotionally. Once you get past that stage, every two weeks thin the fruit some more.

@glennlab I will try to remember. Hopefully the squirrel & deer will allow me to put your knowledge to work.

@glennlab Perhaps providing some covering , when the weather is particularly bad , would keep them from dying off .

@glennlab Might try some protective netting , on at least part of the tree . Save some for yourself . The squirrels love the figs n the over the garden wall fig trees that belongs to my neighbors .


HMMMMMM, rain with possible snow mix here, you guys with these beautiful shots are killin me !!!

nogod Level 7 Mar 29, 2019

@mzbehavin - those flowers with that white backdrop is wonderful

Sorry? Well maybe not.

@mzbehavin yes, l know, ; have some, but nothing is even breaking ground here.LOL

@mzbehavin The combo is dazzling!

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