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I really like unusual plants. One of my favorite is the Monkey Tree (Chilean Pine - [] ). I planted a 5’ tree when I lived in Seattle (getting it home was a funny event) and when I go visit the city I drive by and my tree is now some 35’. I have one here which has grown from 1 foot to about 4’ in 5 years. This plant also has an edible nut. I also love the kniphofia (Poker plants - [] ). There are several varieties and I had a yellow one in my Seattle Garden. I have several of the usual red-hots here but, as the birds feed off of the plant there is usually not much left to admire. I have also posted several times the weird Voodoo Lily [] A recent discovery is the Acacia – Ovens Wattle. [] A friend has one in his Seattle Garden and it got to be huge and fast. His plant is surrounded by paving stones and under a street light. I planted one and it’s only OK. When it’s in bloom it is amazing. Another recent discovery is Barberrie Darwinii. This is a prickly large, evergreen that has wonderful blooms and totally drought hardy (and the deer don't go near it).
Anyone have any ideas for other unusual plants?

JackPedigo 9 June 3
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I love weird plants too!

Carin Level 8 June 14, 2019

Wow, Jack! That takes me back to childhood. I have been on the Gulf Coast over 30 years, butearly childhood was in Olympia, WA, and I distinctly remember one of those Monkey Puzzle Trees (I learned it as a "Monkey Tree" ) right down the street from my house. It was pruned to look like it had a monkey head and long tail, and my childhood memory recalls it being enormous, perhaps 40-50 feet tall. Being little, I thought it was naturally shaped like a monkey, lol. For the record, it was near 8th and Boundary Streets. Anyone there able to report if it is still there?
BTW, I had also seen those torch lilies around Seattle. Never knew what they were called.

The pokers are everywhere in the town of Port Townsend. My Monkey Tree in Seattle is about 35 feet now. I have noticed they seem to have 2 shapes, either rounded at the top or pointed. I prefer the more conical shape.

I just returned from a trip to Seattle and stopped by my old house. I took some shots of the tree I had planted some 25 years ago and it has gotten to a real beauty. I also planted a Eucalyptus. It was a real pain and the new owners will have some problems soon.

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