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Does anyone have any ideas on what I could grow in pots for extended periods of time? I am currently renting so, putting plants in the ground is less than ideal but, I want to get my hands in dirt and grow some fresh foods again.

Warm_dissent 6 Mar 21
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Depending on the size of your pots, Peas can be planted tightly and with a small pole for support for the middle plants the rest will grow into and support each other. A cherry tomato will give you a large yield for a small area. leaf lettuce, carrots, radishes. Green beans can be planted about 4-5 inches apart and grow nicely. Any vine plant can be grown on a trellis or a pole with a rough surface for the vine to attach to. I've done a potato plant in a large pot and got a great yield. Just remember depth for good roots and good drainage. Good luck

EricJones Level 8 Mar 25, 2018

What are you wanting to grow? Annuals, perennials, or both? I have a great book entitled "McGee & Stuckey's Bountiful Container: Create Container Gardens of Vegetables, Herbs, Fruits, and Edible Flowers". It's a great resource, but there might be newer books that are more up-to-date. I haven't had a budget for books in years. Maybe check your local library? I've found some libraries are more than happy to buy books (if they have the budget) that patrons suggest. University of Illinois Extension is a good online resource. []

Some plants shouldn't be grown in pots because of their root system and special environmental needs. "Bountiful Container" lists different plants and pot depths that work for them. I've grown some of the more compact varieties of tomatoes in a bushel basket filled with good potting medium and lots of compost. However, there are even more varieties now that will grow well in hanging baskets, and small containers.

If you're in the US or Canada, if you do a search for Agricultural Extension and/or Extension Master Gardener and plug in your state or province, a list of one or more regional groups will come up. They're a good resource because information they dispense is research-based and specific to your local area. There are a lot of gardening myths; it's sad how many people believe and propagate them.

The length of your growing season is important. If you're in the US, you can look up your plant hardiness zone by zip code via the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map: []

I once brought one of my potted tomatoes inside, but I had huge south facing windows, and they already had a good start, with many green tomatoes still. Grow lights and hand pollination would have kept me in vine ripened tomatos until spring, but grow lights were expensive to run back then. Maybe the technology has improved. 🙂 I still was able to harvest some vine-ripened tomatoes that winter. For reference, I live in Vermont.

There are now many varieties of plants specifically bred to grow well in pots. If you can connect with your local seed saver network, that might be a good resource if you're into open-pollinated and non-hybrid plants. [] Some libraries are even starting seed banks. Dave's Garden has a searchable database of reviews for various businesses selling container gardening supplies: [][158]=92

One company I recommend is Johnny's Selected Seeds. They are 100% employeed owned. Here's their search engine for container seeds: [] I'll see if I can find my old gardening notebook so I can recommend varieties I've grown.

@Warm_dissent You're welcome!


Any vegetable and herbs , make the pots right for the plants

Norbert74 Level 4 Mar 22, 2018

Depends on space. Windowsills are good herb space for chive, badil, time, etc. Rosemary, once established, is more like a shrub & can be bonsai. If you have a patio or balcony, tomatoes would need a large pot but they can do very well.


I'm currently growing assorted herbs , strawberries , asparagus , day lilies , and a grapevine in planters . Depending on the size of your planters , you could even grow dwarf fruit trees . If I may suggest , if you have a patio where you'd like to sit outside , some mint helps to keep the mosquitoes away .

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 21, 2018

Herbs tomatoes strawberries I even have a small lemon tree in a pot. There are mini bananas you can grow in pots as well

Donto101 Level 7 Mar 21, 2018

Cherry tomatoes and bush varieties of squash. Peas and beans. Even okra!


Sadly I don't know your climate, strawberries, ginger, chillies. Also depends on how big you want the pots. Lots of berries are possible, I have blueberries in pots because they don't seem to like my soil

Rugglesby Level 8 Mar 21, 2018

Try adding pine bark to it. Here in Florida they did a big hole fill it with pine bark and Pliny it right in that

@Donto101 cool, will do thanks.

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