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After selling my garden it will be missed but I have many photos to reflect. These were taken in June of this year.

flower_nut 7 Dec 28
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Lavergne Level 8 Dec 29, 2019

So beautiful. I’ve taken lots of pictures of my gardens this year. I will be selling my house this next month hopefully and I will certainly miss all my beautiful flowers.

I had a friend come over and take some plants and trees. I wanted to take more. My friend said I could plant whatever I wanted at his place but I never took the time to do so. The plants he took will be available to me whenever I have a place of my own to plant them.

@flower_nut that’s so wonderful! I wish I could take so many of my plants, but they have been growing for 5 years now and I probably couldn’t get them out without killing them. I will have to start over at my son’s house once I move in.

Good luck. I hope you have a quick sale.


Seeling... moving ? Awe.... probably will start a whole new garden as soon as you settle.
We can't stop, regardless of the situation, even temporarily housing.

Zoohome Level 8 Dec 29, 2019

You are right! It must be in my blood.🙂

@flower_nut It certainly is.....the joke in our family was that my mother could stick a popsicle stick in the ground and she'd have a peach tree there the following spring.



If selling the place, please leave pictures and maybe advice about the garden. I know I would appreciate something like that!

Hathacat Level 9 Dec 28, 2019

We did leave a few gardening books that we made notes in but didn't leave any photos. I don't think the new owner was very excited about the garden. It never came up while closing the deal.

@flower_nut wow, you’re kidding me 😳 That would have been the selling point for me, lol. He probably thinks it just “happens “ lol.

Real estate agents took care of everything on our behalf. The only condition the buyer wanted was to move in 2 weeks before our first agreed upon closing date. We had to scramble to meet the deadline.


Love that 1st shot!

Heidi68 Level 8 Dec 28, 2019

I was going through my photos to see when I last posted and that one was next. It's from the front gardens with bright colours. Tulips add colour early in the year. You can never have enough tulips.


Beautiful flowers and artistic design! I hope someone new will be enjoying and caring for your lovely work as you move on to new opportunities.

Thank you. In the last two years, the garden didn't get as much attention as it needed and ultimately aided in my decision to give it up.


W.O.W it was beautiful . Hopefully , you'll enlarge and frame those , so you can still have it with you .

Cast1es Level 9 Dec 28, 2019

I have too many photos to pick a favourite.


Gorgeous! A whole new world of container gardening awaits you...less weeds but more challenges with drying out. Use at least 3x more fertilizer than you think because it all washes away, for example. I look forward to this June's pix!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Dec 28, 2019

I could do some containers but my balcony faces west with little sun. Perhaps I could find a job doing landscaping in my spare time?


Beautiful, I am sure you will miss it.

I stayed too long in a relationship because of the garden. It was hard to leave but I'm happily moving forward.

I ended my relationship to have my sanity also but I had to sacrifice the garden. I can build a better garden but I couldn't repair a toxic relationship.

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