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This flower smells of death. It's pollinated by flies and difficult to grow in Nova Scotia. It managed to bloom by leaving in the ground and covering with leaves over the winter. I'm assuming the bulb gets bigger each year because the flower got bigger. The new owner of the garden will have a surprise if it blooms this year. Most gardeners wouldn't have a Dracunculus Vulgaris but a Flower_nut would. It's rare and unusual to see one in Nova Scotia. The lift and store method would ensure its survival. I prefer to find the plant's gardening zone limit and left in the ground. As long as it was covered properly it continued to grow. Many of these flowers blooming simultaneously could cause a problem for any neighbours within 50 feet or more given a slight breeze.

How weird and wonderful you are. Your aroma leaves me breathless and your body is so sexy. I'm excited to see you! I wish your flower came more than once, I came more than twice smelling you.**

flower_nut 7 Jan 3
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There are many plants that are pollinated by flies, but there large ones are special.

I like the rare and unusual and this flower seemed like my best option for our gardening zone. It was also the largest flower in our garden.


That's the Vodoo Lilly. I have made several posts on this flower. It always gets a lot of awe until it puts out it's scent. It is a bulb which multiplies and seems to not be picky about light or soil types. I have several in my gardens. One thing is one has to thin out the bulbs as they multiply and the crowding make for weak plants.

The voodoo lily didn't multiply in my garden. After 4 years it died then a couple of years later I noticed a small one growing in the same location. I moved it at that time to a new location and three years later took these photos.

@flower_nut May be your weather is harsher than ours. In our area an invasive plant is Scotch Broom. It is everywhere. i once asked a botanist where it is native and he said, of course, Scotland. I then asked are there any invasives in Scotland and he laughed and said Rhododendrons. These plants are native here and not invasive. The climate can make a difference.

Yes, I agree climate makes the most difference. Rhododendrons are common here so I didn't want one in our yard. I have a problem with trees popping up everywhere in the gardens. Oak, spruce and maple. My gardening zone is 5 (-10 to -20 degrees Celsius). Others would say it's zone 6 ( 0 to -10 degrees Celsius). I believe the voodoo lily prefers zone 7 (10 to 0 degrees Celsius).

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