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Does anyone here have a butterfly garden? There is a Butterfly and pollinator group if you are interested. I have had a butterfly garden for several years and enjoy raising and seeing many butterflies.

TerriCity 7 Mar 31
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I have 4 acres here in Wisconsin that is devoted to the native species found here. Plant natives & they will come. Asclepias is sacred & Joe Pie Weed is a favorite with swallowtails. The chicken dung brings in the red spotted purples. So rewarding.

Mooolah Level 8 Apr 1, 2018

I don’t have one myself but I have a good friend who has one and it is quite spectacular. He’s also an avid bird watcher and has many bird house’s around his house.

I am also in Wisconsin and control the lot of a small condo bldg. The other residents either love it or could care less. Either way, no one's complaining about all the work they don't have to do. And money saved, as I garden for free. It works for everyone.
Here are some pix


I have been butterfly gardening for a number of years now. I have been into plants lifelong.
Last year I raised 81 healthy Monarchs and Swallowtails, including a Dark Form Tiger. She was my prize last year. I didn't get a photo cause she flew off too fast.
I have raised rare butterflies in the past, namely Atalas and Malachites.

Leafhead Level 8 Apr 1, 2018

I do by default. I refuse to pull up most native plants from around my yard. so I have Joe Pye weed; Asclepias tuberose, milkweed and bee balm growing happily near the mail box and around the bushes. I have not yet tried to create a buttterfly garden, just enjoy what comes natural.

That's where it all starts. A little at a time. My watershed moment was discovering the first four Monarch caterpillars on my Tropical Milkweed!
It all started from that point on, and I have been at this ever since, for the past 31 years.


I am going to try to grow some milkweed plants this year. I would like to have a butterfly garden

btroje Level 9 Mar 31, 2018

Milkweed plants alone can comprise a butterfly garden, being not only the Monarch food source, but providing a wealth of nectar as well. You can also plant Fennell, Dill and Parsley for Black Swallowtails
. Antennaria(Pussytoes) native to your area will bring Ladies. Aristolochia, Passion Vine and Spice bush work too.
Nectar: Zinnias, Mexican Sunflowers, Goldenrod, Asters.
Southern? Plant a Pawpaw tree for Zebras. Northern? Plant Wild Black Cherry (Midwest) or Tulip tree (East Coast) for Tigers. Something in the Rutaceae (Citrus) family for Giants.

@Leafhead when I get down to it I will be looking for plans native to the high desert in Northern NM. It is a rough growing climate

I wish I could be of more assistance. I have never been past the Rockies. It's a whole new cast of players on the West Coast. I can tell you that Fennell will get Anise Swallowtails, and Elkhorn Milkweed will sustain Monarchs.


We have a fire bush planted for Butterflies

Donto101 Level 7 Mar 31, 2018

Are you in South Florida, by any chance? I had a great time with Firebush (Hemelia patens), especially for my Zebra Longwings. Pentas is in that family too (Rubiaceae, or Coffee Family). Anything in either Rubiaceae or Verbenaceae (Lantana, Porterweed) Families are nectar gold. Any Jatropha species a plus too.
Oh, and if at all possible, get your hands on something called a White Coral Tree.
That draws all male butterflies of all kinds! Even butterflies that don't usually hit flowers will hit this one. Something in the nectar that males need.
And finally, Cestrum diurnum, for the same reason, and it's fragrance!

@Leafhead I’m in central Florida but will see if any of those will grow in my zone.

You probably won't get any White Coral or Jatropha, but Central Florida is ideal for Lantana. It likes hot, sunny well drained areas. Can take some salt in the air
Another plant that may work for you is Whitevine, or Sarcostemma. Good for Monarchs, Queens and Soldiers. Likes salt, rocky soil, sun and ROOM.

@Leafhead thanks for all the info. I will look out for the White Coral tree. I have a couple of jatropas and also have planted some Florida natives such as mistflower, porterweed and cassia for sulphurs. I live close to Tampa, between Clearwater and St. Petersburg. I like to grow zinnias as they are easy to grow and the butterflies love them , as well as lantana and salvias.

You might also try Tithonias (Mexican Sunflowers).
Mist flowers are excellent. I have tried them myself. They like it too wet. My lot is high on a hill.


Not here, I do have a corner of my yard set aside for milkweed plants, and leave the Orchard caterpillars on my citrus despite the damage they do,

Rugglesby Level 8 Mar 31, 2018

Orchard caterpillars? Giant Swallowtails do make it up this far north in late Summer, but don't regularly breed. They are a welcome sight in my garden!!!

@Leafhead Sorry, caterpillars of the Orchard Swallowtail, Papilio aegeus, it is about the biggest butterfly we have here. I am in Oz.

Papilio aegeus is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I wish we could trade for a day.

@Leafhead yeah that could be amazing.

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