6 3

Who's live in the midwest and dealing with all this snow we have right now. I just did some starter plants & waiting for the ground to thaw.

mistymoon77 9 Apr 17
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It's warming up finally

lorie13 Level 2 Apr 20, 2018

ARRRGGG! I'm in Chicago and still today, April 18th it barely broke freezing! I got a late start to getting seeds in dirt indoors because I'm just not feeling spring at all, I can't even put them in my treehouse because we barely even get sun. Did I move to Seattle and just didn't notice? I went to Anchorage a couple years ago and it was warmer there than here in Chicago! WTF!

ThomasLevi Level 6 Apr 19, 2018

We have had a very long winter up here in these parts. I hear ya.. we still have snow on the ground and piles of it still along the tree lines. I started my plantings in flats so hopefully by mid May I can get them outside.


I'm starting all my butterfly plants indoors. Next week looks better I think. One more day.

Leafhead Level 8 Apr 18, 2018

How are things? Weather calmed down a bit I hope. I've been transplanting and seeding up a storm, with almost 200 Fennel started, 256 Milkweed, 30 Zizzia aurea and 60 4"Anise Hyssops. The weather's been cooperative at last


I live in Omaha, I haven't even gotten into my yard to clean up the garden for planting. Maybe this weekend. Or not.


I am with you there. We had snow here yesterday in central Illinois, and nighttime temperatures are still getting to below freezing. I live in a very old home in a very old neighborhood which means lots of big, beautiful trees, but also means very little sunlight gets into the house so I have to use a lot of grow lights for seedlings.

The good news is that it was sunny today, so I was able to bring my flats outside. I am hoping to get them planted in early May.

MikeEC Level 7 Apr 17, 2018

I start seed indoors and transplant in mid-May.

Yes, that is what I just did here a few days ago. Its going to be awhile before anything goes in the ground here.

@mistymoon77 Can you lay down some black plastic/fabric to warm the ground prior to planting?

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Posted by FernappleThe pond and stone bridge are lush with growth now.

Posted by FernappleIts foxglove (Digitalis ) time.

Posted by JolantaEarthworms are amazing workers.

Posted by JolantaLadybirds, the gardeners friend.

Posted by JolantaLacewings are useful in the garden.

Posted by you Sow, So Shall you Reap

Posted by FrostyJimSurprise! Alaska has farm country too.

Posted by FrostyJimSurprise! Alaska has farm country too.

Posted by JolantaHappy hormones.

Posted by FernappleThe little woodland garden, is a symphony of blue, purple and white now. Hyacinth, Honesty, and Ornithogalum.

Posted by KateOahuThis morning I went to a class for making a terrarium with native plants at the Waikiki Community Center, which is about three blocks from where I live.

Posted by FrostyJimToo cold to plant outside for another month here in Wasilla Alaska.

Posted by FrostyJimToo cold to plant outside for another month here in Wasilla Alaska.

Posted by JolantaUnusual fungi.

Posted by FernappleI am trying to grow some extra salad crops this year in the new greenhouse.

Posted by JolantaBugg life.

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