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I liked what I saw , and put my NVDA shares up for sale . The selling price climbed today , and eventually reached my asking price , and then some . So have sold them off at a good profit .

Cast1es 9 Aug 20
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Good for you. Bears make money. Bulls make money. Pigs are slaughtered. Take profit & research for the next pull back. I am donating my JNJ stock to SILENT SPRING. They are the company that sued in the talc debacle. 501c(3) so they prosper, I get a tax deduction, & no tax on my gains. Win win win.

Mooolah Level 8 Aug 20, 2021

Recent Visitors 7


Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by PinkyandtheBrainGood correction. I actually consulted with a lot of people.

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