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Ajai Prakash, a Christian preacher and member of Donald Trump’s Iowa Faith Leader Coalition, is one of many members of the Coalition who has signed a petition insisting that the Iowa state legislature break up existing marriages by declaring that marriages can only consist of one man and one woman.

The trouble is that this tradition is pseudohistory. It doesn't exist! In the Bible, Abraham himself had two wives at the same time, and King Solomon, beloved of the Bible’s god and revered for his wisdom, had many many wives. The god of the Christian Bible clearly endorsed marriages that defy the one man one woman model.

There is nowhere in the Bible that commands that marriage can only be between one man and one woman. The Bible describes monogamous heterosexual marriages, yes, but it never says that’s the only kind of marriage that can exist, and its holy men often had different marriages.

Present-day marriage bigots in Iowa churches are making up this tradition. It’s a false tradition based on fake history! Furthermore, many Iowa churches practice same-sex marriage as a sacrament. Why do Donald Trump’s preachers in the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition think that the Iowa state government and the US federal government have any business choosing sides in Christianity, and saying which Christian churches can sanction which kinds of marriages?

What’s more, tradition is a terrible foundation for law. Sometimes, traditions are wrong. The traditions of slavery and prohibiting women from voting were long held in the United States, but that doesn’t mean that they should exist today.

Ajai Prakash and the other narrow-minded members of the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition should better educate themselves about history, and should cultivate more compassion before they go around lecturing other people about morality.

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote to enshrine pseudohistory and biblical illiteracy in a Christian versus Christian battle within the US government.

We don’t have time for that kind of nonsense. America is better than this petty squabbling about other people’s marriages.

Listen to more about the pseudohistory of right wing Christian claims of a tradition of heterosexual-only marriage at the About the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition Podcast.

CliffordCook 6 Jan 10
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These lemmings know their time is running out. The anti-viral agents needed to wipe out assholist religions are coming. In the future, the naive will pine for the good ole stupid days. Crocodile tears to be sure.

racocn8 Level 9 Jan 10, 2024

I don't think that wiping out anybody is the solution that's called for in these times (or ever). I want to live in a country where people are free to believe foolish things, even ugly things, but in which the collective wisdom of people as a whole is sufficient to keep the ugliness and foolishness in check. A nation that can wipe out a religion can also wipe out non-religious people, and other groups as well.

@CliffordCook Whoa. I misspoke big time. I didn't mean to phrase that viral agents would kill religionists. I meant that viral agents would delete or scramble those memories (memes) related to religious dogma. I am wholly opposed to anything resembling genocide. And I am wholly opposed to mass insanity. My apologies for not being clear. Competent education could do as well or better than any virus, and that would be the first option. However, the political obstruction of education thrives.

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