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A long time ago in the 1990's, we (my partner of the time and I) had a friend who was also gay, who liked to dress as a woman, go to straight bars and make out with straight guys. He was never caught or found out. We called it "Playing 'The Crying Game'" after a movie (The Crying Game) of that time period.

I was always amazed at how well he pulled it off. We were always afraid the guy would catch on and beat the crap out of him.

Just wondering if anyone else ever knew of anyone who did this kind of thing.

snytiger6 9 Oct 3
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The first boyfriend I had roommate would go to the strip club and when the guys would get excited by the girls he would suck them off. He would occasionally occasionally bring a guy homeand that it was her time of the bus so he had to f*** her in the ass.


I think that is unethical as hell.
As a trans woman this pisses me off.
this is what people have the impression that trans women are out doing and perpetuates a negative stereotype.
His personal thrill seeking was a dangerous game indeed considering he could have gotten murdered and the murderer could have gotten off with a trans panic defense.

Yes, the "game" was dangerous.

At the time I had not yet made any Trans friends, and was not all that informed about the Trans community.

That same person who played the "game" later went on to take female hormones, which he got illegally from mexico and without a doctor's supervision, so we was nto takign blood thinners and experienced a stroke, which left him wheelchair bound.

I have to wonder in retrospect if he might hve4 identified as Trans if it were swocially acceptable tot do so at the time, and if so, if he might have taken a more approach if he were more comfortable behign who he was.

@snytiger6. Yeah that very sad indeed.
It's easier today being trans for sure than it was then .


This is a “new” one and your friend was playing a dangerous game.

CS60 Level 7 Oct 3, 2018

He was more my partner's friend thanh mine. I do agree it was dangerous.

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