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Is there a stigma in the LGBT community about a straight man attracted to trans women as suggested in this article?

My Experiences As A Straight Cis Man Engaged To A Straight Trans Woman


ballou 8 Dec 7
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Sexual behavior is not black or white. It is a continuum of various behaviors.


I think there is because what they have appears to others as a heterosexual relationship and many in LGBT community would say “you don’t belong”.

CS60 Level 7 Dec 7, 2018

I don't care much about what people think of me. I consider myself straight, but I've experienced same-sex relationships. I find same sex to be more physically rewarding and stimulating but it lacks emotion with men (on my end not necessarily on my partner's end) so I don't find love in same-sex partnerships, and I do with women. Given that combination of good sex with men and feelings for women I've thought about getting involved with a transwoman, but I have yet to find one. If I did and we fell in love, I would have no issue with how the world judged me.

paul1967 Level 8 Dec 7, 2018

@PalacinkyPDX Everyone's sexuality is theirs, and the job of any couple is to find someone to be compatible with, and as I stated in my original post, I haven't found any trans women. That wasn't to say I've never met one but not one that was into me or I into them. That person probably doesn't exist, and that's fine.


Firstly I would say that in regards to the LGTBQI+ or what ever it is refered to right now "community" I fail to see the community, whilst all people have the right to define themselves and their gender as they see fit, I don't really see that as the issue, too many people who are "spokes persons" for "us" are busy saying "that's my badge and you have to fulfill x.y or z criteria to be a part of it" the simple fact is that all humans are created different and what we love is what we love, love can't be based on any form of gender it can only be based on a meeting of the minds and a mutual respect, to define yourself as straight or trans or gay or whatever is to limit your exiestence to preconcieved boundaries, you are what you are and love is what it is and that should be the end of it, it's just sad that unfortunately people will choose to define themselves by difference.

This is taken from the article:

"...I always thought Pride was about inclusion not exclusion."

I personally think that everyone should accept other humans sexual preference to other humans. Of course, all being adults.

@balou I have always been skeptical of that as a concept, it should mean that but you find in all realms that inclusion can mean "on my terms" not as you are, I have to admit that I am wary of anyone who shows interest in me but that is more due to the mill than a person's definition of themself if that makes sense

Very well said

@PalacinkyPDX Yes, I fully understand that.


There is, in a way. As odd as it seems, there are some men who see us trans gals as a fetish or some kind of trophy. There are those who are genuinely only attracted to trans gals, which is few and far between in sort of a niche, much like "bears" in the gay community, but it's not often, and is therefore hard to know if their attraction is sincere (i.e. they would want an honest relationship and possibly more than just a sexual thing for whatever reason). So we gals are always very cautious when we find someone who seems overly attracted to us and not necessarily women in general. Does that make sense?

Kafirah Level 8 Dec 7, 2018

Yes, you have your guard up because you don't know which men are genuinely attracted to you and would like more than just sex.

@balou Well, not me, so much, personally, lol. I'm a lesbian... lol But yes, for a lot of trans ladies that is the case. And what's worse than that is the fear that we are walking into a trap. There are people out there that are essentially catfishing to lure us into a physical beating under the guise of meeting for a date. I had a friend in Florida who was killed in that way. It's truly terrifying. There are some really evil people out there and exploiting potential love to pick their targets.

@Kafir Yes, that is truly horrible. I couldn't see myself doing that to anyone.


I would think so...

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