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I actually had to double check to make sure I wasn't on the Onion.

“I might technically be a sequined and perfectly coiffed friend of Dorothy’s, but I’ve spent my entire career advocating for the rights of America’s most brutally repressed identity — straight people — so I know a thing or two about discrimination,” Yiannopoulos said in a statement released by the group.

I wonder what color the sky is in the reality he lives in???

icolan 7 June 10
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Vocabulary lesson time: Provocateur: any attention-hungry asshole who has discovered that a path to public attention is to make a habit of saying the most outrageous shit they can think of, with the aim of pissing off a lot of people. They have noticed the mere fact of pissing off groups of people will attract flattering attention from other assholes...I mean, people who hate the targeted groups. It is a cheap, surefire recipe for some kind of notariety, but "cheap" is the operative word.
Some prominent provocateurs: Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Kathy Griffin(she at least can claim it for commedy value), Phyllis Schlafly, Kelly Ann Conway, and her boss, the Donald.


WOW...just WOW.


It is truly a sign of their struggle that no actual straight person could be found to act as Grand Marshall. They had to settle for an ally. Here is another ally to lend support, lol!

WOW...TOTALLY telling it like it is!


Yanni is a fucking idiot. A straight friend tried to hit me with this whole "str8 white males are the most ignored and discriminated group in America." Bullshit. I had to correct him. He has no idea of the privilege he has enjoyed. So I pointed it out to him. He has not spoken to me since.


It's weaponized satire meant to be an offensive juxtaposition of actual issues but ultimately won't be taken seriously except for the fact that it will ruin whatever reputations the participants still have.

Kafirah Level 8 June 10, 2019

@icolan I never said it was a good reputation... lol

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