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So I saw this picture of this really sad little strait pride parade and it got me thinking. Since strait people are welcome at pride parades to support the LGBTQ community, members of the LGBTQ community should show up to enthusiastically support the straits. Rainbows and all, showing solidarity that every person should be proud of their identity. It wouldn't be hard to find tripple the people they already have, show them "cultural respect" they demand and completely flatten the sails. Can you imagine if these "straight pride parades" ended up just being gigantic masses of gay people agreeing with them completely and celebrating everyones right to their sexuality.

MsAl 8 June 17
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After further thought I really wouldn't condone sending anyone on such a mission. Alot of those people are extremely hateful and someone would be egged into violence.

It just came to me after I saw that picture and Its a different way to think of it. Meeting hate with love IS a real strategy though. Sometimes people forget that. It lets the world see the hatefulness for what it is. There is opportunity for the hateful ones to try to turn it around and act persecuted.

MsAl Level 8 June 18, 2019

Y'know...if a straight person is SECURE in their OWN SEXUALITY...then they have NO PROBLEMS with gay, straight...or...whatever...maybe LGBTQ SHOULD CHANGE to...LGBTQS!


LIFE SHOULD BE ABOUT EVERYBODY'S RIGHT TO THEIR OWN SEXUALITY!!! WHAT DO straight people have to complain about...that they can do anything they like anytime they like...because STRAIGHT people are the majority...and they tell other people what they can and can not do???!!!
THERE SHOULD be rainbow flags...unmolested AT the rallys...period.


I do support their right to be straight, I can get behind that, but I could never help someone celebrate being racists and fascists: Confederate flag, Nazi salute. I am of the opinion that these fellows are not representative of heterosexuals in general. I have a number of straight friends that wouldn't be caught dead in that group.

Yes that would be the point. They would look ridiculous.

Also and mabey even more importantly, groups like that feed on hate. Have you ever just been nice and agreed about something to someone who is being an asshole to you ( not agreeing on everything, just resisting the urge to be hateful back)? They don't know what to do. It completely runs there day. Their strategy is ruined.

After further thought I really wouldn't condone sending anyone on such a mission. Alot of those people are extremely hateful and someone would be egged into violence.


Would be so Fucking funny

bobwjr Level 10 June 17, 2019

Confederate Flag? Oh boy..... and someone needs to speak to them about their color choices....

It won't be me though. The dumber they look - the better for all of us.

(The Power Company called they want their T-Shirts back. You're making them look bad...)

RavenCT Level 9 June 17, 2019

Yes that flag really does show his true feelings about it doesn't it 🙄

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