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Some folx don't know what the term "deadnaming' means. So here's an explanation. Very simply, it means to refer to someone by a name other than the name they have chosen. Usually, it has applied to trans and nonbinary folx but ANYONE can be deadnamed, if they have chosen a different name. For instance, I have a friend who has become immersed in his Jewishness and had a bar-mitzvah a rather later age (in his 20s). He now goes by his Hebrew name. HE gets deadnamed all the time. Still, after MONTHS of telling people. And this is a name-change that most here could more readily understand-religious reasons, finding your roots, etc. etc. Gender and sexuality are more problematic, even in this day and age. I still have to correct/remind almost eveyone on a daily basis about my gender. NONBINARY HERE/PRONOUNS-THEY/THEM/THEIR (Please!)....I have no idea (well, I do actually) of the looks I would get if I asked for Xe/Xem/Xer!
So why does deadnaming matter? For one, if you deadname someone, you might inadvertently (or perhaps intentionally and maliciously-it does happen and often) OUT the person to whom you refer. This can have consequences ranging from stress, in my case, to real world consequences-such as danger and even death. So please refrain. It also shows disrespect for the choices of the person to whom you are speaking, obvs. IF this is a NEW thing and you forget, that is one thing. But if you do it and choose to keep doing, then that is another thing entirely. Understand?
I hope this makes the issue of deadnaming a little more clearer. While it might not affect YOU, chances are, you might know someone it does. Or have a family member now or in the future.

BookDeath 8 Aug 14
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You are correct dead-naming can have serious consequences. It is choosing to keep dead-naming or using the wrong pronouns is disrespectful.

CS60 Level 7 Aug 14, 2019

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