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How Trump supporters sound, trying to make sense of what he said

MichelleGar1 9 Apr 27
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Sounds like sound reasoning to me. Not.


I cannot stand to be around these Fucking Idiot's .

GEGR Level 7 Apr 28, 2020

I had to listen to my elderly neighbor going on about trump and Democrats today. I am not sure where I find the patience and respect when dealing with conservative elderly acquaintances.

It is funny. Her house has a cross hanging over her garage door, a Republican politician sign on her driveway and a jesus flag with trump written underneath by her house (as well as a Seminole mailbox - I am a gator)
She has no clue what my believes are, and hopefully she will never find out because I do not want her to have a crisis. 😂

Zoohome Level 8 Apr 27, 2020

@Zoohome I work for the elderly and most of them are like your neighbor. It's really funny hearing what they say about their president and about their beliefs! It's a comedy! They ask me why I laugh and I just say that I find laughter in everything. Lol

@MichelleGar1 it is definitely a comedy. I mentioned that I have only 5 outfits because I planned on staying for only a week (here in Florida) but this whole thing happened at the same time, so here I am a month later. She texted me a few minutes later and offered me some of her clothes. A sweetheart for sure, that is another reason I don't want to break her heart with my non belief mentality.
You know, we can be vocal on certain times, but have common sense on others. Those elderly folks classified as those. No need to argue, then let's just get along with what we can get along. 💕
What do you do?
You know, we still have to get together one day.

@Zoohome Exactly! I can't be mean! Just listen chuckle a bit in my head and move on with the conversation.

I teach exercise classes for the elderly. It just keeps them active but I noticed that about 80% of it is socializing. They're mostly retired and either divorced or widowed, so they just go to the classes to get out of the house.

Nice to be "stuck" in Florida, it's beautiful there! I'm in Virginia with metalhead, been here for over two weeks now. I have limited clothing but we're not going out to dinner or anything like that, so no worries! Hope you and whoever you went to visit are staying healthy and safe!

Definitely we have to get together whenever all of this is over with!

@MichelleGar1 Like you need clothes right now, lol.

@glennlab Actually I don't! Lol

@MichelleGar1 When i first got married, we got snowed in for several weeks when they shut the air force base down, It was too cold to do anything outside the bedroom, I had to bring wood for the fireplace in and let it warm up in order for it to light.

@glennlab That sounds very romantic! We just leave his house to go for a walk, groceries and take out! LMAO!!!

@MichelleGar1 yeah, but I get tired if the laundry frequency I have with limited outfits. Also, I have a business weekly call that I have ran out of decent blouses to show on zoom. 😂 I refuse to buy stuff at Walmart.
I came to my Florida property and my fiance lives here, also my great Dane has been here with him, but both are on the way to Texas with me. 😉

@Zoohome Congratulations!!! I didn't know that you were engaged! How exciting that he's moving in with you!

@MichelleGar1 thanks!
How about you two? Who is moving where? Have you figured out yet?

@Zoohome We still haven't figured it out. I love how green and beautiful it's out here. I also have my house paid off. Lol!!! Thanks for asking. Have you both chosen when you're going to get married?!

@MichelleGar1 not really, nothing big. Maybe Vegas, althought I don't care for gambling and smoking.
So it does not really attrack me.
I like green too.
However, selling your place (if u r considering it) would not be ideal right now. 😕
Does it matter for either one?
In our case, we are both foreigners, family in different countries. My parents are the closest thing to us, and they will move where I go. Lol
Are you guys planning marriage ?

@MichelleGar1 maybe we should go private on our chat. Lol

@Zoohome Sounds like a good idea! Message me!



bobwjr Level 10 Apr 27, 2020

@bobwjr Yup!



Robecology Level 9 Apr 27, 2020

@Robecology Exactly!


They are sooo stoopid..

@Cutiebeauty Yes!

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