10 8

If the girls were as bad as the food....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 May 4
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This cannot be unseen... oh ishkapeuw


Holy shit

bobwjr Level 10 May 4, 2020

That's 100% false. The grilled Big Fish Sandwich with Swiss Cheese and a salad was fantastic!

BD66 Level 8 May 4, 2020

I went to one a long time ago to see why they were so popular.... The girls were just OK not raving beauties, the prices were way too high, and the food was terrible. I never went back for obvious reasons....Keep in mind I live in Southern CA and restaurant competition here is much stiffer than most places...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz They have lots of fried foods on the menu, and those tend to be too greasy. If you avoid the fried food and stick with the grilled food, some of the items are pretty good.

@BD66 Like I said there are better cheaper places here that don't depend on cheap sexist marketing ploys... Out here they are so outclassed I doubt if many of them are even around anymore.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I've spent a lot of time in Southern California, and I have to agree with you. There is a place called Chuy's that serves fish tacos that blows away anything served at Hooters. However here in Bloomington, IL, our choices are more limited, so it was a sad day when the Hooters here closed down.


Eaqual opportunity employer.

scurry Level 9 May 4, 2020

Who thought taking this pic was a good idea???!!? Who thought wearing that underwear was a good idea!!????? Who.....nevermind.....


Really!? I had to see this in the morning???
Things that it can't be unseen.

Zoohome Level 8 May 4, 2020



alcohol helps others get laid too you know

There's not enough whiskey on the planet...

@wolf041 Not enough Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters in the universe....

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