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scurry 9 May 29
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Fuck those I want off this rock....

Is that Galactica?
Or am I mixing up my ships again?

@scurry Ancient Battle ship from Stargate Atlantis.... Galactica was a POS....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Aaahhhh... Yes! It totally is! Thank you!! I was a die-hard SG1fan. Only watched Battlestar recently. Rewatched the original too.
I thought they were pretty good.
(But I take special gummies before bedtime/watching, so pretty much everything is Awesome.) 😉

@scurry Reaction drives making U-turns kind of ruins it for me....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz And how do we feel about Serenity??
(caution: you will be judged by your answer.)

@scurry Summer Glau is hot as fuck....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Noooo... Wash!!!

@scurry At least they weren't using reaction drives but I did find the loose furnishings to be a bit on the dumb side as well as the "Rednecks in Space" theme but Jewel Saite helped take some of the pain out of it and Summer Glau was like I said hot as fuck... Though that POS fat ass draft dodger Adam Baldwin could have been trimmed from the cast tough I guess he has to stay off welfare somehow and low budget films or TV series is about all he can get....


The Delorian, but only if it comes with enough plutonium for multiple jumps... Or a Mr. Fusion.

Ludo Level 7 May 29, 2020

The DeLoren

freedom41 Level 9 May 29, 2020

Back to the future car, though I'll have to make sure Doc comes along to keep it running.

glennlab Level 10 May 29, 2020

James Bond’s...with all the interesting gadgets.


James Bond Aston Martin

OldGoat43 Level 9 May 29, 2020

Miami Vice. I have a need for speed. 😁

In a car magazine way back when, I read that car on M.V. was really a Corvette chassis with a fake fiberglass body bolted onto it. It was supposedly a Ferrari Testarossa, wasn't it?

Oh yeah, and just how would a cop who is working on the vice squad ever be able to afford ANY kind of a Ferrari, unless he/she was on the take?? Something doesn't add up there, unless they were trying to send the message that all of the cops are really nothing more than Road Pirates with a badge! Now THAT I can believe!!


Night rider. Intelligence for me

BudFrank Level 8 May 29, 2020

Definitely Back to the Future. I'm ready to get out of 2020.

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