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When banjos play.....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 July 22
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Holy shit LMAO, when cousins marry

bobwjr Level 10 July 22, 2020

What a lovely bunch...


Reminds me of a saying I heard “I was upset when she said she loves me like a brother... Then I remembered she’s from Alabama.”

BudFrank Level 8 July 22, 2020

I think they used to be my neighbors

BudFrank Level 8 July 22, 2020

Salt of the earth ?

FrayedBear Level 9 July 22, 2020

Nah nothing grows in salt and that mess is obviously growing.


🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Redneck idiots!

It's more like our favorite Lizard has a grudge against Alabama. My wild ass theory is he was poorly treated in Huntsville, Alabama, where they build rockets for NASA. Maybe they wouldn't let him fly one.

I don't know. It's just a wild ass theory. Every few months he brings up topics that suggest only incestuous red necks live in Alabama.

Disclaimer: I have a two year associate's degree from Jefferson Davis State Junior College in Brewton, Alabama. I used the college credits to transfer to the University of West Florida and to nearby Pensacola [Florida] Junior College. BTW, as a place to live Brewton, AL, sucks giant donkey dicks. Worse place I've ever lived.

Pensacola, in contrast, is one of the great party towns of Dixie.

@WonderWartHog99 You mean the Challenger booster?....

@WonderWartHog99 Oh wait those were made in Utah .... Alabama however is famous for this guy constantly being elected to office even though he was banned from shopping malls for pestering teenage girls while DA....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz >. . . wait those were made in Utah ....

The meme says Jasper, Alabama.

The rocket explosion you refer to was caused by launching the rocket when it was so cold, the rubber rings that seal it up shrunk. When it comes to traveling into space, the standard excuse is "Hey, it's rocket science."

Every time FORMER Alabama Governor Roy Moore is elected to ANY office, he's been removed from office.

Could be worse. Like Trump he COULD have been a buddy with Jeffrey Epstein.

@WonderWartHog99 We may yet find out that he was a friend of Jeffrey Epstein.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz the father xmas one I thought hilarious.

@WonderWartHog99 oh, I think i win this (first) divorce papers are signed by George Wallace's brother, then the probate judge of the Alabama county I lived in, and the divorce was granted immediately instead of the usual 6 month waiting period due to "fear of bodily harm". Yeah, Alabama, good times.......

@Lorajay >We may yet find out that he was a friend of Jeffrey Epstein.

Considering how often Trump had his picture had his picture taken with Jeff and that Trump had child molesting charges filed against him, I'd say it's a given his was Jeff's buddy.

@AnneWimsey > . . . divorce was granted immediately instead of the usual 6 month waiting period due to "fear of bodily harm".

That's a given in almost any state in the union. If they think your spouse will hunt you down and possibly kill you, they'll want to help you leave town.

@WonderWartHog99 oh this was way back before hotlines, shelters, or even sympathetic cops. (I have "great" stories about their help!) I got myself, kid, & dog enduring source of pride. But it was only after he died that the nightmares stopped.


@WonderWartHog99 "Every time FORMER Alabama Governor Roy Moore is elected to ANY office, he's been removed from office." And most of the time he has to be removed by legal proceedings but the voters keep re-electing him..... Why is that do you think?....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I think his political career reflects my terse motto: idiots vote.


I know that tall blonde from Carson City, Ca. We used to play mumblety-peg.

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