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If 2020 was a sandwich

BudFrank 8 July 26
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If it was Australian it would be Vegemite not peanut butter! If Chinese stir fried vegetables. - More evidence that the C19 virus came from an American lab?

FrayedBear Level 9 July 26, 2020

Stop with the silly conspiracy theories.

Science traced it back to the habits of enjoying raw foods that are popular among the poor In oriental nations.

As a demographer it boils down to population growth...more and more fighting for less and less...while viral and bacterial infections find new victims easier and faster.

Malthus said it well...over 200 years ago; "As the quantity (of any one species in any given area) increases, the quality of life decreases".

Tired of saying "the good old days" yet?

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@Robecology You seem to be confused. The post compared the year 2020 to a sandwich. I started to point out that the photos are distinctly American and the Australian & Chinese versions differ.
Tongue in cheek I suggested as the zeitgeist maintains & confirmed by your post that "Science traced it back to the habits of enjoying raw foods that are popular among the poor In oriental nations." ie. China.
Answer me this question:
"would there be poor orientals if American companies & governments behaving like pirates had not been systematically robbing the world of its resources for more than 100 years?"

@FrayedBear You're blaming "poor orientals" on American imperialism?

You seem to be the one confused. "Oriental population growth was/is totally independent of anything any nation "did" to them.

All I am suggesting is that it's science. Data. Facts. You're an agnostic. You should appreciate that.

The populations of the world are growing at certain rates....imperialism, or piracy, or slave trades have little to do with the basic libido - the drive to reproduce - of humanity.

Orientals would have grown in population regardless of external pressures

The Africans were little affected by the slave trade.

They continued to grow - regardless of external pressures.

Goops...wrong graph...and the editing feature won't let me change it...sorry.


Should be washed in disinfectant before eating.

OldGoat43 Level 9 July 26, 2020


bobwjr Level 10 July 26, 2020


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