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Feeling my age.

glennlab 10 Aug 19
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Hell, I'm selling my Harley (probably) coz if I hit the ground at 50 mph, it's unlikely I'll get up and shake it off!


This is one reason to get someone to live with you.Getting a shower chair couldn't hurt. In my youth I read about an astronaut who fell and injured himself taking a shower, I figured out why a shower mat needed to go into a shower/bath tub. When a person gets old, slip and slide isn't that much fun.

Don't know about washing the cell phone in the shower. It might not work long. I can see it now: lying on the floor, waiting for the cell phone to dry out.


Phhhht! It's been years since my BFF and I made each other promise that we'd take our phones into the bathroom with us so we could call if we fell in the shower, so you're doing fine, youngster. 😉

Lauren Level 8 Aug 19, 2020

What are you, like 2 or 3 months older than me? But smarter, I never thought of the phone in the bathroom.

@glennlab I don't know about smarter, but apparently more paranoid! 😉

This is worse: now I need readers, so I got a pair that I keep in a drawer in the bathroom. Can you see laying there with a broken hip and not being able to see the phone? lolz!

@Lauren I bnought 8 0r 9 pair at the $ store, I keep one in the car, one in my travel bag, and the rest scattter around the house. Ask me if I can find any except the pair in the car.

@glennlab @lauren Nail the case on the architrave by the door in each room just above the height of vacuuming tools. That way you know where they are & don't have to struggle to reach into drawers when you are lying on the floor. Also have speed dial numbers set on the phone.

@FrayedBear That's really impressive! I have a new phone (lost my contacts).so I need to update with all that info, including more comprehensive speed dials.

@Lauren I'm not even a pretty face. 😁

@FrayedBear Oh, sure you are! 🙂

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