5 9

As a former resident of Hampshire, United Kingdom, I feel I should also add Sandy Balls, in the nearby New Forest, to the incomplete list...

pmar074 6 Oct 25
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Interesting .

GEGR Level 7 Oct 26, 2020

Can't find anything to laugh about Giggleswick other than that they are not part of Bootle or Southport which is north of Liverpool! Stranagal Willy should see the naming parents garotted also!

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 25, 2020

In Germany the cartoon strip character in UK called Andy Capp, is called Willy Wacker. I suggest you watch the UK version of The Chase and watch how Bradly Walsh just looses it having to say that. Ah we English just know how to have a good laugh! Mainly at ourselves.

davers Level 7 Oct 25, 2020

Eastern Pennsylvania abounds...."Intercourse" anyone?

AnneWimsey Level 9 Oct 25, 2020

Thanks. Now I gotta go look up the history on these

My mother was raised in Hounslow, England. I have just found out there is a street called Corfe Close there. On my next visit, I'm going to knock on the door at 4 Corfe Close just to see if they're friendly... 😂

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