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Woke up to a winter wonderland this morning.
These seem fitting for today.

scurry 9 Nov 23
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Having lived in Maine approximately 20 years I can relate to almost all of these.


Poutine! YUM!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Nov 23, 2020

Well for us here (Queensland) it is only spring, but the temp today is 34 (and for the Americans, 93)and sunny. I hate the snow so I suggest you keep it up there, whilst us down 'ere will remain nice and warm.

davers Level 7 Nov 23, 2020

Enjoy your spring!! Winter has definitely arrived here. I'll do my best to enjoy our snow. 😉


I've played a game or two of "am I on the road" and I've never been to Canada.

Kynlei Level 8 Nov 23, 2020

I suspect it's played in many places. 😉


I used to play "Am I on the Road?" in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Canada. There is a certain charm in comparing survival stories with other drivers.

A great collection, @scurry. I hope you're enjoying your wonderland.

Lauren Level 8 Nov 23, 2020

It snowed about 5 inches or snow since last night. Winter is here. 😉


Second one reminded me that when I lived in Alaska, I kept all of my homemade eggnog (large batches) in the snowdrift outside my back door. Also a lot of the special holiday goodies - until ready to serve them inside.

Absolutely, the outside becomes the fridge and freezer.


I like the road meme the best.

freedom41 Level 9 Nov 23, 2020

I have kids in the UP of Michigan who invited me to live there. I said no thank you.

BudFrank Level 8 Nov 23, 2020

these pretty well cover my feelings

glennlab Level 10 Nov 23, 2020

Great calligraphy, I'm jealous. Having learned to go to Canada in the summer to avoid 115+ degree temperatures, I find the second photo disingenuous - just a personal preference.

@glennlab I am totally with you on this! I'm already over my fingers being cold, the heater making my skin dry, and not being able to walk to the mailbox barefooted.

@Lauren Winter weather is not kind to me either. I'm really glad I got the hot tub now, I haven't worn the new off of it yet, but the relief of not feeling pain in ,my feet is fantastic.

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