Good news - not just they have a giftshop but they also offer workshops. How thoughtful of them. 🥰
I don't need the workshop... but try shopping for wolfsbane at the local farmers market, never mind Nerium oleander. I mean if I just wanted to poison someone all I need is less than a quarter cup of any kind of tobacco, boil it down to tarry paste and dip anything sharp in it. But for really cool projects the material cost just goes up considerably.
@Willow_Wisp it definitely sounds like you know your plants n recipes. I haven't researched this subject that serious, but it is definitely interesting.
the FBI likes this
@AtheistInNC Cool, they're welcome to analyze every aspect of my life, I have no secrets.
Sounds like my attempt at an herb garden in the 80's, sadly I have a brown thumb, I can't even grow poison.
The oleander is frequently grown, often profusely, in domestic gardens. I had 50' of them at the boundary of a property that I lived in for 20 years.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.