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When the ER nurse asks you what the fuck is wrong with you....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Dec 8
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Love a different angle on well tread ground,
Literal & metaphorical!

Adam_Metal Level 7 Dec 11, 2020


bobwjr Level 10 Dec 9, 2020

In my 22 yrs at ER , I never thought I ll say this , but yeah , I miss these guys , them girls , and every drunk and even the gun shots . For the last 9 months in covid icu , I ll kill for some “ normality “. Drunk and stupid I understand . Drunk and stupid I can fix for the night . This covid here is no break at all . One moment people breathing stable , u go to pee or Woolf down coffee , next u know people are blue .
I missed ER 🙁.

Pralina1 Level 9 Dec 9, 2020

It would be nice if someone could explain that to dumbasses who think this is funny when the death rate where they live is already over one out of every thousand people...
"Stay safe at home in your pajamas once the streetlights come on."


Hahahahaha!!! I can't stop laughing at this one! 🤣🤣🤣


But I can explain everything!

jeshuey Level 8 Dec 8, 2020

Let me guess you kept putting it all around the house to annoy your wife and she showed you where to stick it....

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