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Dolly on a ......

MichelleGar1 9 Dec 22
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What is she lying on? Shit in a wrap?

FrayedBear Level 9 Dec 22, 2020

@altschmerz My Mom and I are going to make some on New Year's Eve, if she's feeling up to it. We make them every year.

@FrayedBear They're a Mexican tradition to eat at Christmas time. They're really good, you can get them in red chili with roasted pork, green chili chicken and green chili with cheese.

@altschmerz & @MichelleGar1 thanks I've now looked it up and left you a recipe at "Homemade tamales for all?"

@altschmerz That was so sweet of her! They're so good but it takes a lot of work to make them. I found an almost authentic recipe for frayedbear.
I can eat tamales and menudo all year round!

Lol. I didn't know what it was either. Dolly makes anything look good to me.

@altschmerz I think I'll give them a try.

@Unity They're delicious!

@MichelleGar1 So I've heard. I feel like I'm missing out on so much. Tamales here I come! 😁

@Unity Hope you enjoy them!

@altschmerz dessert tamale?

@MichelleGar1 is that the boy band, the tripe or liver +pork menudo?

@FrayedBear Not the boy band! Lol!!! The one I usually eat has beef tripe and pig's feet in it.

@FrayedBear Well I just got out of work and we were talking about tamales and one of the men that takes my classes had an interesting story to tell me about tamales and menudo.
The Aztec's used human meat for tamales and menudo, they were cannibals. They would do human sacrifices to appease the Sun God's and then cook them.

@MichelleGar1 partaking of the sacrifice's knowledge & skills results in new idiots to catch for the next sacrifice & meal?

@MichelleGar1 I'd love to see your photos & finished product along with the recipe.

@FrayedBear I will, we're going to going to make them for New Year's, so give me a week.


Even with your hint, it took me a second, I need to up my game

glennlab Level 10 Dec 22, 2020

@glennlab It's December, no worries! Lol!!!

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