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God helps those who....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Dec 23
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Very interesting to read comments about this meme and smell the testosterone rising.


High hopes.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Dec 24, 2020

By giving vacuum tubes too large to form a seal over little boy penises.

FrayedBear Level 9 Dec 23, 2020

What a useless god.

I was thinking the same thing.... it will never work

@GwenBFree My first thought was "god is Arnold Schwarzenegger?..."
"let me pump you up..."

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Showing your age! In my youth it was Charles Atlas -

@GwenBFree creative minds think alike? Think what the reality could be like!

@FrayedBear Your lack of comprehension is showing.... "let me pump you up" was Schwarzenegger's famous tag line while trying to sell people on fitness....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz he was a wannabe German or Austrian migrant. Charle Atlas predated him by at least 50 years and was of Italian background.
Sure you're not projecting?

@FrayedBear Unlike you I am not projecting.... Atlas was a scam artist that sent a booklet out for free to boost the sales of an overpriced piece of junk (two wooden sticks with a 3/4 inch rubber band in the middle) and promised impossible results in time periods of 7 days to less than 3 months... He also sent people booklets they could get for free charging them money and when they complained asked for more money for more worthless booklets. He was a big part of why the USPS started cracking down on these fraudsters with real regulations that made it a felony to market shit like this through the mail issuing 250,000 fines and sentences up to 20 years at club fed. A friend of mine got ripped off by him because he answered one of those stupid comic book ads that sold shit like fake "x-ray specs"... Besides he never said anything relevant to the OP....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz LMAO that's America.
Isometrics does work.
I find it interesting that nearly 50 years after his death the big scam company bearing his name is still operating.

@FrayedBear And yet they no longer promise to build a body that takes years of sweating over barbells in 7 days... Meanwhile they are still conning noobs with no brains into paying them big bucks for information that is free and freely available. How much have they taken you for?
Oh and while we are on the subject how much did you pay for the penis pump they sold you?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz zilch + zero.

@FrayedBear Shoplifted it did you?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz That's funny!

@Lizard_of_Ahaz, @GwenBFree they do not have a shop in Australia.

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