5 5

The answer, as usual, is Bacon.

scurry 9 Mar 25
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Your pic is the answer for those hipocrates who took offence with me for posting inhumane killing of dogs for human consumption but yet they eat that piece of steak and bacon not knowing, how perhaps they're also being killed. It seems they're still biblically inclined because in some places in the bible it condones eating dogs and cats but good to eat the others. The bible also contradicts itself because after the so-called flood so-called god allowed all animals to be eaten. The bible means nothing to me but seems most people from a Christian background pick and choose from the crap and can't seem to shed-it of it completely, and also as per your pic, they seem to take one side of it according to their pallate😊


I posted a few pics of dog cruelty being (killed in a barbaric way) prepared for human consumption out in the public eye, in a very disturbing and inhumane manner in an Asian country. I didn't post it out of pleasure and neither was it my intention to offend anyone. ...was just demonstrating how twisted and sick people can be and stated this. ​This was posted on our local site.
I was kinda told off in not-so-nice terms not to post such stuff. ...that I should exercise caution and maybe PG13 sensor-type pics as some people are sensitive and perhaps a warning.

What surprised me about this comment is that some of these people eat lamb, steak and bacon and pretend not to know how these animals are killed before it arrives on their plate. They think because it's not their pets (cats and dogs) on their plate there's nothing wrong with it and they won't or don't take offence. That's hypocrisy.

I am not a vegetarian but a few members had posted videos in the past of how stressed out the other animals (sheep and cows and pigs) were killed and butchered but didn't say as much. Why? because it's not their pets? You see this is the kind of hypocrisy that bothers me and I am not vegetarian. I'd say I'm close though because I eat chicken and fish.

Am I wrong to say they're hipocrates.


Oh yes

glennlab Level 10 Mar 26, 2021

The general taboo is to not eat carnivores, probably because not all parts are safe.
For example bear liver has enough vitamin A in it to kill you.
Besides, herbivores are easier prey, and domesticated herbivores are chattel, literally.
It's good that it's bothering our collective conscious, perhaps we're capable of a more humane humanity.
I don't mind fake meat.


Oh, I do love me some bacon, too, so I guess I love them both!

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 25, 2021
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