@Zoohome What did you burn yourself from? That looks awful! Hope you're feeling better!
@MichelleGar1 hot tea. Can you believe it?
And it wasn't even on "boiling" temp.
It is healing good so far. But crazy hot tea could do that.
I still love scolding water for showerm
@Zoohome Hot tea, no I don't but it happened to you! I guess at the moment you can't shower in scalding hot water because of your burn.
@MichelleGar1 working on my scalding hot showers.
@MichelleGar1 its healing well. One of my employees calls my tea Lava tea.
I like it hot, but not scalding hot. My water heater is just 4 feet away from my shower.
I love a lot of hot water.
The only way to feel clean.
I like fairly hot showers, too. That's not what makes you weird!!! LOL
@phxbillcee WHEW!!!!
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