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Don't all speak up at once, now...(LOL)

phxbillcee 10 Apr 10
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I doubt it, being baffled is a crummy feeling. After I had the stroke in '89, I lost about 30 IQ points for awhile. It was Horrible!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Apr 11, 2021

You weren't "stupid", you were afflicted. & age is affecting even me, as hard as that is to believe (LOL). My Sis just suffered a stroke & it's hard to watch, the recovery is slow, & my Mom has Dementia, also not fun to watch.

@phxbillcee took about 6-8 years to pass as normal, get my brains back...still have residuals, especially if overtired.


We should be careful about the word, "stupid". Even calling someone "ignorant" - they take offense. Try "under-educated" or "naive"- even "brain-washed" works better than stupid. I know this is a "memes" page...and the comment is a classic...but we'll change - help to educate - more by being more positive about their "disabilities".

Robecology Level 9 Apr 11, 2021

Yeah, I get it, but it was just a meme. They're not known for any in-depth discourse. Even speaking to JW's & such I don't use the term stupid, even if I know their bibble better than they do, often. So in discourse I will follow the pyramid, in memes, not so much.


from listening to many stupid people I run into it seems to be like a mega-overdose of LSD combined with Lithium Citrate and an touch of Heroin....


(apparently) 😁

Adam_Metal Level 7 Apr 10, 2021
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